Then again, he’d never likely been propositioned by a gorgeous girl, asking her to show him how to give the girl’s other man a blow job.

But hey, there were weirder things that could happen, right?

Loki couldn’t think what, but he was certain there was.

“That was dumb, wasn’t it? Sorry.” Isa’s shoulders slumped and her head dropped.

Okay. He didn’t like that. Loki frowned down at Remy.

“Actually, I think it was a great idea,” Loki said, reaching down to place a finger under her chin. “Not that I won’t love anything you do. But if you want Remy to guide you, then that’s what he’s going to do.”

And Loki didn’t really care what the other man thought about it.

What his baby wanted, she got.

Remy eyed him back, sure and strong. Then he turned to Isa, his face softening. “I’ll help you, baby.”

“It’s asking too much, right? I’m just . . . it’s silly, but I’ve wanted this for so long and I’m so damn nervous.”

“That makes two of us,” Loki said.

Remy cupped the side of her face, turning her so he could kiss her lightly. Then he nodded up at Loki.


He was really getting his dick out in front of another dude.

Well, it wasn’t like it hadn’t happened before. Just not quite in this setting.

And this was a fuck load hotter.

“All right, then.” Remy cleared his throat. “I can do that. Why don’t you take Loki’s jeans off?”

Loki swallowed heavily. He was determined not to embarrass himself. But, fuck, this was going to be hard.

Not as hard as his dick, but . . .

Okay, that was bad. Thank God he didn’t seem to have Isa’s problem of blurting out her thoughts.

He bit his lip to hold back a groan as she undid his jeans and tugged them carefully down over his erection. His dick was pressing against his boxers, desperate for her touch.

“Whoa. Can I touch?” she asked.

Loki stared down at her. She had her hand in the air, hovering. He looked to Remy who gave him a steady look.

He was here to support them.

But he also wasn’t going to interfere.

Fuck. Remy really was a good fucking guy. Better than Loki, that was for sure. If their positions were reversed, Loki wasn’t sure he could be so giving.

“You can touch, Tink. Please.”

She ran her finger along the length of him. Loki wanted to demand that she take his boxers off. But he also understood that she might need some time to get used to him.

To play.

Fuck. He should have jacked off first.