“Obviously you didn’t. Remy thought I was sick!” She heaved out a breath. “I suck at seduction.”

“Hey.” Loki appeared next to her, a frown on his face. He took her from Remy, holding her against his chest. “You do not suck at anything, you hear me?”

She nodded.

Wow. He sounded so fierce.

“It’s not like you even have to do anything to seduce me. All I want is to be with you.” Loki set her down on her feet, leaning in to kiss her.

Hot and heavy.

Hard and firm.

She moaned, pressing against him. When he drew back, she stared up at him, her mind filled with hunger, with need.


“Please what, my precious girl?” Loki asked.

“Please let me touch you, taste you. I need to.”

“Fuck. I’m not going to say no.”

She dropped immediately to her knees, slamming on the floor. Ouch! Just as well there was carpet on the floor and not wood.

“Careful!” Remy barked. “You’ll hurt yourself.”

She blushed. There went those fantastic seduction skills again. Lord, she was such a doofus.

Remy crouched next to her, cupping her chin. “Whatever you’re thinking, stop.”

“What? Why? Are you doing your mind-reading thing again?”

“Didn’t like the look on your face. It’s all right that you don’t know what you’re doing.”

It didn’t feel all right. It felt awkward and weird.

“Will you . . . will you help me?”


Loki stared down at his girl who was kneeling at his feet.

This felt like a dream come true.

Well, other than the big, hulking cowboy crouching next to her. That was never part of the plan.

And yet . . . it felt right that he was here. Would he have ever made a move on Isa without him?

But it was more than that . . . Loki felt drawn to him in a way that wasn’t sexual exactly. However, it was a form of attraction.

He wanted the calm that the other man exuded. That dominance he wielded so easily.

Although he hadn’t been so chill when he’d thought their girl was ill. Loki had to hold back another grin. He also wasn’t so chill right at the moment. After their girl had just asked him to help her give Loki a blow job.

“Um, you, ahh, want me to help?”

Loki wondered if Remy had ever stumbled over his words this much before?