“Does it?” Remy said, rubbing his hand over her ass. She was wearing a pair of soft pink sweatpants that had sequins down the side and a matching hoodie. “Because as much as I like the idea of my dick in your mouth, the thought of it in your pussy is even more enticing.”

Oh. Holy. Heck.

She turned her head, trying to look up at Loki. Was he upset with what Remy said? Was he thinking about fucking her?

Good. Lord.

She rubbed her thighs together.

“I’ve never had one so I can’t comment,” Loki said huskily. “Fuck.”

“Wait . . . you’ve never had a blow job?” she asked.

Loki groaned. “I can’t believe I told you both that. Why didn’t I keep my mouth shut?”



Oops, he sounded like he was getting annoyed. She needed to fix this. Quick.

“It’s all right, I’ve never had an orgasm by someone else’s hand but my own. Or my rainbowrator.”

“Your what?” Remy asked.

“What?” Loki asked. “I should have known. That asshole, Leonard couldn’t find a clit with a map and a giant X. Fucker. Should have broken his nose, too.”

“What?” Remy asked.

“Asshole who took her virginity, then cheated on her.”

She groaned and buried her face into Loki’s lap. This was not the way she was expecting her night to go.

Well, she wasn’t entirely sure what she’d been expecting.

Just that this wasn’t it!

“What a fucking dick,” Loki said.

“Yes, we all know that!” she cried. “Can I just die of embarrassment?”

“Not until you tell me what the fuck a rainbowrator is,” Remy said in a low voice.

Oh. Crap.

“It’s her vibrator,” Loki supplied. “It’s rainbow-colored and it has a knot.”

“It has a what?” Remy asked at the same time as she slapped Loki’s thigh.

“Loki! You don’t need to tell Remy that.”

“Why shouldn’t he tell me that, baby?” Remy asked in a low drawl.

Oh hell.

When he talked like that, she melted.

“B-because it’s embarrassing! Can you guys let me up?”