“Yeah? Fuck, me too. You ever play?”

“Nah.” There hadn’t been much of an opportunity for him to play sports growing up. He’d always been too busy helping Pa on the ranch. “You?”

“Fuck, yeah. Or I used to. Mostly I just go out with the guys now.”

Remy wondered if he wanted to go back to playing. “Why is that?”

Loki shrugged. “Contact sport. Don’t trust myself if someone knocks into me that I won’t have a flashback or go off.”

“The flashbacks happen often?”

“Not anymore. That one the other night was the first one in probably a few months. The nightmares are more frequent. I often wake Isa up, but I don’t like her to come in. I’m scared that I’ll hurt her.”

Remy nodded. “You’ve taken good care of her.”

“She’s everything to me.”

“I just want to supplement that, never replace it.”

Loki let out a deep breath. “Thanks. Appreciate you saying that.”

“I get you don’t know me well, but you want to talk. I’m here. Anytime.”

Loki shot him a glance and nodded, but didn’t say anything.

That was fine with Remy. Rome wasn’t built in a day.

The back door opened and a small figure stepped out. “Do you guys mind some company?”

“Like you have to ask,” Loki replied.

She moved over to him and Remy frowned. “Uh-uh, get your ass inside and try again.”

They both froze, staring over at him. Loki let out a warning noise, but he wasn’t backing down. Not on this. And Isa should know better.

“No jacket. No socks. Get back inside. Get them both. And a blanket.”

“Oh, drat! I forgot.”

“Not an excuse, Princess,” he told her in a low voice.

“Here, you go sit with Mr. Gruff and Grumpy and I’ll get your stuff.” Loki stood and picked her up.

Before placing her in his lap.

And that was when the tension inside Remy finally started to loosen. When he started to really have hope of this working.

He wrapped his arms around Isa. “You just broke the rules, baby. Do you know what that means?”


“It means that you’re getting your butt spanked.”


It means you’re getting your butt spanked.

“I don’t think that’s fair!” she said.