Ed walked in at that moment, taking in the scene. He sighed. “How much did Kiesha eat and drink?”

“I don’t think she drank that much.” Although now that Isa was standing up, she was beginning to realize that she’d drunk more than she’d thought. “But the candy was decimated.”

“Kiesha, you’re going home now,” Ed told her.

“You’re not the boss of me.” She pointed at Harry. “He is.”

“And I say you’re going home now.” Harry leaned down and whispered something in her ear that had Kiesha’s mouth dropping open.

“I’m going, Daddy! I’m going!”

“I should help you clean up,” Georgie said, gathering stuff as Harry led Kiesha and Cleo out.

Poor Cleo looked more tired than when she’d arrived.

“Don’t worry, Georgie,” she said. “I’ll get it all tomorrow.”

“Are you sure?”

She nodded. Ed took Georgie’s hand and leaned in to kiss her on the top of her head. That was so sweet.

“Come on, Georgie-girl.” Ed paused. “That Remy’s truck outside?”

“Yep,” Isa replied.

“Is Loki here?” he asked.


“All right then,” he said, looking thoughtful.

She knew she was blushing when Georgie giggled. She waved goodbye and shut the door behind them. Then she looked toward the back door.


She grabbed the last mimosa and headed outside

* * *

Remy couldn’t believethat Loki had invited him to come here.

He kind of felt like he’d been let out of jail, but didn’t want to make a wrong move for fear of being sent back.

Not the best analogy . . . but you got the idea.

First, Loki opened up to him at the Wishing Well. Now the two of them were sitting in silence having a drink. He could only have one more and still drive.

But he wouldn’t have this any other way.

Only problem is while he might like the silence, he got the feeling that Loki wasn’t used to it. The other man was shifting around on his chair as though he couldn’t get comfortable. Or had excess energy. Remy heard some cars approach and fully expected Loki to get up and leave him here to talk to Isa’s friends’ men.

But he stayed where he was.


“So, um, you like sports?” Loki asked.

“Ice hockey.”