“What? That part annoys you more than sharing her? I figured that would be the best part. Unless you’ve secretly been Topping people for years and haven’t said anything. Have you been to a BDSM club before? Done your research?”

“I’ve been doing some research,” he replied. That’s what he’d spent all day yesterday doing. “But he wasn’t just offering to help me Top her.”

Easton frowned. “Then what?”

“He thinks . . . urgh, if I tell you this it’s between us.”

“You know it is.” Easton looked concerned.

“He thinks I’m a switch. That it might help me if I let someone Top me. Let him do it. That it could help me with my control . . . with the memories . . . with quieting everything in my mind.”

Easton was still. Silent for a long time.

“Will you fucking say something?”

“Topping someone can do that too,” he said. “I get that you don’t trust yourself on your own. But in a club setting with someone like Remy monitoring, well, it can help wipe your mind. Give you back a sense of control.”

“Right . . . so you’re saying I shouldn’t consider letting him Top me? That’s what I figured. Dumb idea, right? Me? A switch? No way.”

Then how come he wasn’t really convincing himself?

“Don’t put words in my mouth,” Easton said in a low voice. “There’s nothing to be ashamed of, you know.”

“But you just said . . .”

“I was . . . fuck, I guess I was talking from my own experience. Sometimes, the only time I have a clear head is when I’m at a club, Topping someone. But being a switch . . . it might seem crazy, but it’s not. It doesn’t have to be sexual either.”

“That’s what Remy said. I don’t want to fuck him.”

“He’s calm. Controlled. I’ve rarely seen him show any emotion.”

“I think he feels more than he lets on. It isn’t weird to want to be dominant with Isa, and yet . . .”

“Submit to him? No. Switching is all about your mood, how you feel, your partner. With one person you can be Dominant, with another a sub. Sometimes you might feel like being the one in control, other times you might want it stripped away from you. And if it helps you, if it brings you peace, if it makes you feel good, then why not? So long as Remy and Isa are in.”

“Remy brought it up. He said he’s Topped male subs before.”

“And Isa?”

“I think she wants to watch.”

Easton snorted. “Yeah. I get that.”

“Really, man? Didn’t know you had a desire to see my dick.”

Easton just shot him a look.

Loki grew pensive. “You think I should take him up on it?”

“You’re the only person who can answer that,” Easton told him. “I’m just saying don’t rule it out because you think you shouldn’t be a switch or that it’s wrong. If it’s something you want to try, then give it a shot. No one says you have to do it if it’s not for you. Fuck, it might not be something you do often or for long. Just be you, man. Do what’s best for you. For Isa. And, I guess, if he’s going to be part of your relationship, for Remy.”

“I suppose I should know him better first.”

Easton snorted. “Could be a place to start.”

“You’re going to pay for Thursday night.”

Loki looked up with a sigh to find Gary sneering down at him.