“See . . . that’s definitely a constipated groan.”

Everything would be just . . . fine.


“Ahh, Isabelle. There you are.”

Where the heck else would she be?

Isa made sure to plaster a smile on her face as her boss walked over to her. As usual, his eyes were on her chest rather than her face.

Isa had never really cared about what people thought of what she wore. She liked pretty, sparkly things. Dresses and cowboy boots. Clothes that made her feel happy and cute. So even though her job might be a bit serious, she’d always tried to liven it up by wearing bright, fun outfits.

Until the company she’d worked for was sold and she ended up with a new boss.

Shawn Reynolds.

He was about fifteen years older than her. Some people might think he was attractive. He was tall and obviously took care of himself.

But she thought he was revolting. He had this way of looking at you like he was stripping you naked.

It was disgusting.

“Yes, Mr. Reynolds? Can I help you?”

“Please, Isabelle, how many times have I told you to call me Shawn?” His voice had an edge of irritation and she knew she’d have to give him what he wanted.

There was no way she could afford to lose this job. While she got paid well, she didn’t have enough savings to keep her going for more than a few months if she was fired.

Loki would be totally understanding. He’d let her live with him for free if she allowed it. She was the one who insisted on paying rent and part of the bills.

But she never wanted him to think that she was mooching off him.

She seriously needed to start saving more. As an accountant, she really ought to be better with money.

“Sorry, Shawn.” She gave him a sickly sweet smile. “Can I help you?”

“I need you to stay late tonight. I really hope that’s not an inconvenience.”

An inconvenience? Of course not. She’d love to spend all her free time here, slaving away, doing his work for him.

Luckily, she managed not to say that out loud.

“Um, well, I do have some cupcakes to make for the town fair this weekend.”

“Cupcakes? Really? Well, why don’t you just buy them and finish this for me? There’s no problem, right?”

She gave him a tight smile. “No problem at all.”

“That’s what I like. You’re a real team player, Isabelle. And you’re going to go places here. I can tell.”


Because that’s what she wanted. To work longer hours at a job she didn’t particularly like.

You’ve got no back-up plan. You have to toe the line.

Right. But that didn’t mean she couldn’t look for another job while she was stuck in this hellhole.