All right.

Slap! Slap!

Was her breathing getting faster? More erratic?

“I think you could try a bit harder and faster,” Remy suggested. “I think she might be enjoying this too much to be a real punishment.”

“Hey, that’s rude,” Isa said.

But Loki nodded. Four smacks. Hard and fast.

“Fuckballs,” she swore.

“That’s it,” Remy said. “Now she’s feeling it.”

“I really think that you don’t need to help, Daddy,” she said.

Remy froze. And Loki saw the flash of pleasure in his face. But he quickly schooled it.

“Someone is getting awfully sassy. Especially considering they’re getting their butt popped. Loki,” he prompted.

Oh, hell yes.

He was starting to see why people enjoyed this spanking thing. Having her lying over his lap. Her pert, round bottom on display, even in panties, and getting to touch her.

He felt more in the moment than he had in a while. He was in control. She relied on him.

Well, and Remy too.

But Remy was his safety net. There to keep him from going too far. And that allowed Loki to let go.

Several spanks later, he paused. Isa had started kicking her feet and at one stage, she’d even reached back as though to protect herself. Without any prompting from Remy, he’d caught her hands in the small of her back and given her two firm spanks on the tops of her thighs.

He rubbed her bottom softly. “Are you going to keep things from me again, Tink?”


He shot his gaze to Remy. She wasn’t crying, was she?

Remy shook his head, but didn’t say anything. He was giving Loki space to care for Isa.

Fuck. Loki was starting to realize that Remy was a much better man than him.

“I promise.”

“Good girl,” he murmured. “You’re a good girl, Tinkerbelle. Come here.” He helped her sit up so she was on his lap. Her legs were straddling his thighs as he drew her into his chest, rubbing her back. He knew about aftercare. He wasn’t sure what part he liked more. Spanking her or hugging her after.

“Such a good girl. I’m so proud of you.” He kissed the top of her head. “Are you all right? It wasn’t too much?”

“I’m good,” she whispered. “It wasn’t too much.”

Thank God. He’d hate to think he ever pushed her too far. She had a safeword, but still . . . it wouldn’t make him feel good.

“You’re mine. You’ve always been mine. But now you’re mine in every way. Not ever letting you go.”

She slumped against him, snuggling into him as he ran his hand up and down her back.

Remy got up and disappeared into her bedroom. When he returned, he was carrying a pink fluffy blanket that Loki hadn’t seen before. He placed it over her body.