Was this really happening?

Had the two of them just agreed to share her? God, she felt so greedy.

And yet, she wanted that so badly.

“Brave girl,” Remy murmured. “Won’t lie, Archer said it’s not always easy. But nothing worth having ever is.”

Yeah, she guessed that was true.

And she was going to do whatever was needed to keep the two of them happy.

“Just remember, there are three of us in this. Everything isn’t all on you,” Loki said sternly. “And you won’t take everything on as your mistake or your failing. Understand me?”

She nodded.

“Words, baby,” Remy told her sternly.

Her eyes were wide. “Yes. Are the two of you going to gang up on me now?” Her tone was teasing.

She liked that they were working together. It made her feel like this might really work. She couldn’t believe she hadn’t realized that Loki was quietly, and sometimes not so quietly, Topping her.

Had he even realized?

“Said it before, you need more than one person to look after you.” Remy winked at her. “None of us are perfect, though. Mistakes will happen. It’s how you handle those mistakes that can make or break things.”

“Who knew behind his gruff, almost silent exterior, he had all this wisdom?” Loki grumbled, making Isa giggle.

“Just didn’t have much to say before,” Remy replied.

Loki side-eyed him, clearly thinking about something but not sure how to say it.

“I can help you Top her. You’re already doing it, but there’s areas you don’t trust yourself with her. That’s where I can come in.”

Loki turned his gaze back to her. “You want that too, Tink?”

She could feel herself growing bright red as they both stared at her.

“Both of us as your Doms?” Loki continued.

She placed her hands on her hot cheeks. Then she groaned. “Can’t you guys just make these decisions for me?”

“No, Isabelle, we can’t,” Remy said firmly. “These decisions are all yours.”

She got it. She knew it had been a foolish thing to ask. There was no way this would work if they took over everything. Especially something like this. But part of her found it hard to admit to her wants . . . her desires.

Like it was wrong. Because she should put them first.

“I want it,” she whispered. “You know I’ve never had a Daddy Dom. I’ve never admitted to anyone that I was a Little. Not even Loki, although he’s known for a while, right?”

“I have,” Loki said in such a gentle voice that she almost wanted to cry.

No tears.

“I like not having to make all of the decisions. I like how Loki looks after me. And how you do as well, Remy.”

Remy gave her an encouraging look.