That was true.

Would this make things better or worse?

Fuck if he knew. But he couldn’t sit here and watch her wallow in misery.

“All right, I’ll spank you.”


About thirty minutes earlier . . .

Loki stormedout of Noah’s office.

Someone had run her off the road.

His girl. His Tink.

He needed to fucking find out who. He knew he shouldn’t have left like that. But he just . . . he just needed a fucking minute to take it in and he didn’t want to do that in front of her. In case she got upset.

He had to find out who this fucker was.

Easton would help. He’d go find them, then he’d go back and talk to Isa about keeping shit from him.

Even though he got why she’d done it. To protect him.

Mostly, he was fucking angry at himself.

As he stormed into the Wishing Well, he made a beeline for his friends.

He was nearly there when someone stepped in front of him.

“Loki,” Gary sneered.

Fucking Gary.

This asshole didn’t understand that he wasn’t wanted. He’d been a whiny, ugly bully when he was a kid and he’d grown into an even whinier, uglier bully as an adult.

“Get out of my way, Gary. I don’t have time for you tonight.”

“Why? Too busy fucking Isa in Noah’s office?”

He tensed, anger flooding him.

Don’t engage.

Walk away.

“I bet that tight cunt of hers milks your cock real well. Wouldn’t mind having a go at it, but you’ve got that little bitch stitched up tight, don’t you?”

This fucking asshole.

“What the hell did you say?” he snarled.

His friends had already noticed. They were on the move. But he was already surrounded by those asshole friends of Gary’s.

None of them could handle their alcohol.

They were all as small-minded as Gary. Racist, homophobic dickheads who thought they were better than everyone else.