The door shut quietly behind him and she slumped into a chair behind the desk.


“Fuck,” Remy said quietly. “I’m sorry, baby.”

“Why are you sorry?”

“I pushed you into telling him.”

“No. You thought I was going to tell him. And I was . . . I should have . . . I should have told him. This is my fault. It’s just I know that if something were to happen to me . . . that any idea of a threat to me, Loki is really protective. And most of the time, I like that. I need that. But this was more than a bully calling me names and stealing Razzie. I mean, I don’t think the person driving that car was deliberately trying to harm me or anything. But I . . .”

She couldn’t breathe. Shit. Why couldn’t she breathe?

“Hey. Hush. Everything is all right. It will be fine.” Remy drew her against his chest, running his hand up and down her back.

This was all on her. And now Loki was hurting. Over her keeping things from him as much as anything else.

“I’m sorry I made it seem like I would tell him. I really was going to. And now he’s mad at me.”

Loki was never mad at her. She couldn’t take it. It felt like her insides were being eaten from the inside out.

“Hey, everything will be all right. He’s your best friend and he loves you.”

Yeah, but she’d never had him walk away from her before.

She leaned against Remy, drawing on his strength.

“Do you want to go back to the trivia night?” he asked her after a moment.

“No. I want Loki. I need to talk to him. He might have headed home.” She wanted her best friend, Razzie, and to forget this ever happened.

“Come on. I’ll take you home.”

She didn’t argue as he took hold of her hand and led her out the door. They stepped into the main bar area . . . right as a fight broke out. Isa gasped and Remy put his arm around her, tucking her into his side.

To be fair, what had at first seemed like a huge brawl was actually relegated to one area.

The area where Loki’s Warriors always hung out.

She searched frantically for him as Remy moved her through the people watching.

She gasped as she caught sight of Loki. He had Gary Larsen pinned to the wall.

Oh no! She had to get to him. To help him. Gary could be a mean son of a bitch when he was drinking.

“Loki!” she cried out, trying to get away from Remy.

“Isa, no!” Remy told her firmly.

“I need to go help him.”

“Like fuck you’re going over there. You’ll only get hurt.”

“You don’t understand! Loki!”

Remy lifted her into his arms and shoved his way out of the bar.

“Take me back!” She pushed at his hold.