Grasping her under the ass, he lifted her up in his arms, his mouth crashing down on hers.

In the back of his mind, he knew he shouldn’t be doing this.

Not here.

Not without making sure she was all right with him taking her. Commanding her. Controlling her.

But she didn’t push him away.

Instead, her hands wrapped around his neck, clinging tighter.


She tasted so good.

More. He needed more. He needed to strip her down, bend her over, and fuck her hard.

Make her his.

A banging noise broke through his haze of lust. He drew back, staring down at her.

And realized what he’d done.

What the fuck had he been thinking? He dropped her, standing back as someone walked past them. The man stopped and looked at Isa closely.

“Isa? You all right?”

“I’m fine, thanks, Wade,” she replied with a small smile.

Wade frowned, turning to study Remy.

“I think I’m going to walk you back to your friends.”

“Oh no, I don’t?—”

“Go,” Remy said.

Fuck, he hadn’t meant to sound so harsh. But he had to get her away from him before he lost control again.

Remy never lost control. Ever.

How did she have this much power over him?

She’s not yours yet. And you are not taking her outside the bathroom of a bar.


She shot him a hurt look before forcing a smile as she turned to Wade. “I can make it back to my friends myself, thanks, Wade.”


“Of course. Nothing happened.” Turning, she walked away.

Wade glared at him, but Remy ignored him as he watched her.

He couldn’t stop watching her. Wanting her.

Yeah, he was completely screwed.