Yeah, she was in trouble now.

Letting go of his hand, she stepped back behind a chair.

“Did you lie to me, Tink?” he said in a low, rumbly voice.

She kind of loved that voice. She didn’t know if that made her weird or not. To like the deep, stern voice that her best friend used when she was in trouble.

Most likely.

Did she care?

Not really.

“I didn’t lie to you, exactly,” she prevaricated.

“You didn’t tell him everything, though, did you?” Remy said.

Damn it. Why had they got to talking? She really didn’t think they’d ever talk.

Loki turned to Remy, studying him. “Why did you stop when she had her accident? Did you know it was her? Were you following her?”

Isa frowned. She hadn’t thought about that. But no . . . Remy couldn’t have been. It was a while before he’d come along.

“I was on my way home,” Remy said. “I’d been in Wishingbone. And I stopped because I saw a car on the side of the road and it looked like they were in trouble.”

Loki nodded. “If I have someone look into you, are they going to find anything you wouldn’t want anyone else to know?”

Oh God.

That was it. This night was going to end in disaster. She knew she never should have gotten up this morning. It had been a terrible day. Her boss had been more demanding than usual. Probably because she’d had yesterday off.

Something had to give. She’d barely had any energy or time to do the things she wanted to do.

Shawn had wanted her to stay late again tonight. But she never stayed late on Thursdays. She never missed quiz nights.

Well . . . you are tonight since you’re stuck in here and the quiz is happening without you.

Saying no to Shawn wasn’t easy. She hated it. And he’d gotten this look on his face . . . like he was trying to think of a suitable way to punish her.

And not in a fun sort of way.

Not that she knew whether punishments could be fun or not. All of her experience came from reading books or listening to her friends.

So basically she had none at all.

And now, these two men who she cared about were about to go off on one another. And she didn’t know who would come out worst.

Well, other than Noah’s office.

“I’m an open book,” Remy said. “You can ask me anything.”

Loki eyed him with suspicion. Shit. She wouldn’t put it past him to have already had Remy’s background checked.

But she couldn’t be mad at him about it. She’d want to do the same for him. To make sure that anyone who held his heart was worthy of it.

And now she felt like throwing up.

Loki nodded but still looked suspicious. However, he turned that dark gaze her way.