Would he use this against Loki?

“Loki? Are you all right?” Isa asked.

“Yeah, Tink. I’m good now. Thanks.” He gave her a soft smile, running his finger down her cheek.

When he glanced over at Remy, the other man gave him a nod of . . . respect?

Loki didn’t get it. Remy wasn’t raging. He wasn’t threatening to call the cops, something a normal person would be doing.

But Remy didn’t seem that upset. Which made Loki feel even worse for, you know, trying to strangle him.

Maybe you should try apologizing, asshole.

“Sorry,” he muttered. “For, um, strangling you.”

Isa leaned into him.

Thank fuck I didn’t hurt her.

Exhaustion filled him. Fuck, he hated the aftermath of a flashback almost as much as the flashback itself.

“It’s all right,” Remy said. “Flashback?”

“Yeah.” He also fucking hated talking about flashbacks.

“You didn’t fight back,” Isa said quietly.

Yeah, that was true. Loki glanced down to find her watching Remy curiously.

“Met a lot of people during my years of travel,” Remy said. “Many of them saw combat. I figured fighting back would make it worse.”

Yeah, most likely.

But what if Isa hadn’t come along?

“I might have strangled you to death,” he said.

“I figured you’d stop before it got that far,” Remy replied.

“That seems a bit reckless,” Isa said. She wriggled a finger at Remy as though she was telling him off. It was cute as hell. “Don’t do that again.”

Remy crossed his arms over his chest, staring down at Isa with a smile. “Oh yeah, Little Miss? And what would you expect me to do next time?”

“There won’t be a next time,” Loki said, feeling sick. Christ, he hoped not.

Remy grimaced. “Fuck, sorry, man. I didn’t mean it like that.”

Isa inserted herself under his arm as though she was trying to help prop up his weight.

Yeah, like that was going to happen. Even if he was in pain and half-dead, there was no way he would lean his weight on her. He’d squish the pipsqueak.

“Next time, you should tickle him.”

Both of them stared down at Isa after she announced that.

“What?” Remy asked.

“Tickle him. He’s super ticklish.” She moved her fingers against Loki’s side.