And yet . . . she had two men. Two. Both of them Daddy Doms. They were completely open about their relationship. And no one really blinked an eye.

Then there were the two docs at the Ranch who were in a relationship with Caley. That one he understood more. Sanctuary Ranch was created to provide a safe place. Several Daddy Doms lived there.

Maybe that’s why he felt more at home there than he ever had anywhere.

Hmm . . . seemed hisproblemwasn’t here tonight.

Where the fuck was he?

Loki never missed trivia nights.

Why are you so irritated? This is your chance to separate Isa from her guard dog.

Remy knew they lived together as friends. Except he got the feeling that there was more between them than that. The way they looked at each other . . .

His fierce protectiveness.

Her care and love.

So why wasn’t he here looking after their girl?

Not theirs.


Isa looked up, glancing over at him with those wide, hazel eyes. then her gaze darted away.

With anyone else, that might have excited him. He had to admit that he liked being intimidating. He enjoyed it when a subbie felt anxious around him.

Not scared.

But concerned.

However this was a different sort of worry and he didn’t like that look on her face.

Unfortunately, as he stepped forward, the quiz started.

He’d wait until it was over and his girl’s team had kicked everyone’s asses.

Well, until Juliet had.

As time went on, his worry grew. Isa seemed scattered. Unfocused. Her gaze would go off into the distance, then she’d startle if someone spoke to her.

Was she getting ill?

She stood and said something to her friends, then headed toward the back of the building.

He followed her to the bathroom. He leaned against the wall of the hallway to wait for her to come back out.

Stepping back into the hallway, she jumped as she saw him.

“Holy fuck, Remy! You scared the shit out of me.”

“You need to be more aware of your surroundings. You should have seen me following you back here. What if I’d been someone intent on harming you?”

Fuck. He hadn’t meant to sound so grumpy.

And definitely didn’t expect the reaction he got. Usually, when he was a grumpy ass—which was most of the time—she hit him with that sassy mouth of hers.