“I’m gonna make you feel better.”

He was? How?

The only person who ever made her feel better when she was eaten up with guilt and feeling like a crappy person was Loki.

And he wasn’t here.

Remy lifted her up over the console and into his lap. He slid his seat back so there was plenty of room. He arranged her so her legs were on either side of his lap.

Then he gently pressed her face against his chest. He ran his other hand lightly up and down her back.

“You’re all right, baby. You’re okay.”

She bit down on her lip. Was she? “I’m sorry.”

“Shh. Stop. You don’t have to say sorry anymore. You’re forgiven.”

She frowned. “What? Just like that?”

“Yeah, baby.” His hand moved down her head to her neck and massaged the tight muscles he found there.

“You can’t just forgive me.”

“I can’t? Why not?” His voice was low, soothing. And in the dark, with the heat of him warming her, she could almost drift off to sleep. If it wasn’t for the knot in her tummy, that is.

“Because you have to make me earn it.”

“Earn my forgiveness?” he asked.


“How would I do that?”

“I dunno . . . remind me over and over how much I owe you, how disappointed you are in my behavior, give me extra chores, ground me . . . wait . . .” Shoot. She hadn’t meant to say any of that.

“That’s what your dad used to do, huh?”

Crap. Crappity crap.

“I know what your special skill is. You’re not a mind-reader, you’re a mind-blurter.”

“Um, what?” he asked.

“You get people to blurt out whatever is on their mind.”

His chest moved as he laughed. “Is that so?”

“It’s the only explanation for what’s happening here.”

“Poor baby.” He kissed the top of her head. “Unfortunately, you don’t tell me everything on your mind. There’s still a lot in here.” He tapped her temple.

Yeah. He wasn’t wrong.

“I’ll get it all out.” He drew her back and cupped her chin, forcing her to look up at him. “What you need to know now is that you’re forgiven. I don’t want any more ‘I’m sorry’s.’”

Could she do that? Just accept that he’d forgiven her?

“Does Loki make you feel like this, too, when you do something to apologize for?”