“Tell me why you were hiding from your boss.”

Crap. Maybe she should have just pretended that she hadn’t seen him. That would have been a better play.

“Well, who really wants to see their boss when it’s the weekend, right?”

He squeezed her hand. “Try again.”

Shoot. She sighed. “He’s just not my favorite person in the world. He’s only recently become my manager. I used to work for a small company that was bought out by a much larger one. And Shawn is . . . well, a bit of a slave driver. But it’ll be all right. I’ll be fine.”

It was better to look on the bright side, right?

At least she had a job. Had a place to live. Food on the table.

Two men that she was attracted to.

Yep, she sure had it all.

“Is he bullying you?”

“What? No. Just no one wants to see their boss when they’re not at work.”

“You’ll tell me if he does.”

She shook her head, unable to hold back her smile. “Always so bossy.”

“You need bossy.”

“I do not!” she said with a gasp.

“Yeah. You do. You could be lying on the ground bleeding and you’d still tell me that you’re fine. You need someone who’ll make sure you’re taking care of yourself. Or do it for you.”

She couldn’t tattle to Remy. Who knew what he’d do and she needed this job. She had student loans which she’d refused to let Loki pay off. No matter how many times he’d begged.

The jerk.

“Now, back to you paying for dinner.”


They had at least another twenty minutes until they reached her house.

She tried to pull her hand away, but he held on tight. “No.”

“No, what?”

“Leave your hand where it is.”

“Dinner was nice, don’t you think? The steak was cooked to perfection. Didn’t you enjoy it?”

“I did enjoy it. Right up until I wasn’t allowed to pay for it.”

“I was supposed to be thanking you.”

“You did thank me, by agreeing to go out with me. But you knew full well that I was going to pay.”

“I didn’t think that was fair.”

“What wasn’t fair is that you didn’t let me take care of you. The way a man should care for his woman.”