“I’m going to work on uncomplicating it, all right? Just have a bit of faith.”

“What? How can you uncomplicate it?” If he really knew the reason for it being complicated, he wouldn’t say that.

Well, not unless his way of uncomplicating things was to kill Loki.

But nah.

“Then he’d be in jail and I’d have no one.”

“Hmm. Not sure I’m even gonna touch that one. But if you think I’m planning on doing something that will land me in jail, rest assured that’s not going to happen.”

Oh good.

Not that she’d actually thought that. But there had been a tiny niggle in the back of her head.

“You need to stop worrying. I don’t like it. And I won’t have it.”

She huffed a breath out, unable to stop her smile. “Do you ever listen to what you say?”

“All the time. I like the sound of my own voice.”

Isa laughed. “Do you? That’s a surprise considering I rarely heard it until recently.”

“Just don’t give up faith, yeah?”

“I don’t see how you can do anything. But all right.”

“I know you’re just humoring me. But I’ll take it.”

“At least you’ve stopped talking about spanking me,” she muttered. Then she slammed her hand over her mouth. She really did not mean to say that out loud.

“Oh, I’ll never stop that.” Amusement filled his face. “It’s too much fun seeing you squirm.”

Yeah, that wasn’t the only reason she was squirming.

“So you’re all talk, no action?”

“Been accused of many things, but never that. I’m a bit worried.”

“You? Worried?”

His lips twitched. “It happens on occasion. You’ve never been with a Dom before, have you? Never had a Daddy?”

“No. I’m messing it all up, aren’t I?” Just like she messed everything up.

Damn it.

“No, you’re not,” he said firmly. “Everything doesn’t just lay on your shoulders, baby. You have a tendency to take the blame for everything.”

She did?


But yikes he barely knew her and he’d seen that?

“I’m just . . . testing you, I guess is the best way to put it. Making sure this is something you really want.”

“Oh, because if it’s not, then there’s no point in you wasting your time on me. I get that. I mean, not that there is a you and me. Well, you said you’d uncomplicate things, though.”