This just didn’t feel right.

And she hated that she felt this way. She should be happy to be with Remy. A thank-you from her to him. Even though he seemed to think he would be paying.

Which he would not.

She’d gotten paid yesterday, and she’d made certain to keep a good amount in her checking account for tonight.

So she’d be paying, even if she had to be sneaky about it.

She snuck a look across the table at him. Remy was gorgeous. Smart. He was calm and careful with her. And she liked all of that.

She wanted more with him. More time. More dates. More fun.

But that wasn’t all she wanted.

“Selfish bitch.”

“What the hell? Isa? Hey. Look at me. Right now.”

She raised her face, glancing across the table at him. They were at this really lovely steakhouse that had opened in Stepford. She’d chosen the restaurant after admitting that she didn’t want to go out to dinner in Wishingbone. There were too many nosey parkers.

And she figured a steak house was a good bet for a cowboy. Plus, he looked like a man who could pack away a lot of grub.

All those muscles . . .

“Oh, sorry,” she said, realizing that she hadn’t talked in a while. “This is a nice place, isn’t it? I’ve never been here. Loki only really likes eating in Wishingbone.”

Shit. She winced. Why did she mention Loki? What was she thinking?

Totally uncool, Isa. Mentioning one man while out with another.

“One.” Remy held up a finger and she stared at him. “I do not care if you mention Loki while you’re with me.”

He didn’t? Wow, he was such a good guy.

“Two. You are not ever to call yourself names.”


“What do you mean?” she asked, confused.

“I could be wrong, but I’m guessing you were calling yourself a selfish bitch?”

She blanched. “Oh, crap. I said that out loud?”

His face darkened. “You did. You need to have more respect for yourself. We’ve had this conversation before, but it doesn’t seem to have sunk in.”

“Um, yeah, you might have mentioned that.”

“So what do you think we should do about what you just said, Isa?”

She didn’t know! Why was he asking her? It seemed to be a trick question.

“Um, how would you feel about forgetting it?” she asked.

“I wouldn’t feel good.”