“Um, what about just losing it and you having to take care of me?”

“You say that like taking care of you is a problem, and we both know it’s not.”

“You’ve been taking care of me pretty much my whole life. I don’t want to become a burden.”

“Strange, I was thinking the same thing.”

“About me being a burden?”

Her face was tear-strained, and she was still sniffling. Reaching over, he grabbed a tissue from the side table. She took it from him, wiping her face and blowing her nose.

“Ew,” she said.

“That was pretty gross,” he said. “You’re like a giant snot-ball.”

“Loki!” she protested, whacking his chest. But she was smiling.

“You need to text him and tell him you’ll go to dinner. Go tomorrow night.”

Her eyes widened and she stared up at him, midswipe.

“Can you move? Have you had a stroke? Be pretty embarrassing to be stuck in place while wiping your snotty nose.” He teased her as he fought the urge to clean her up himself.

“You want me to go out to dinner with him?” There was a hint of hurt in her face.

He was confused.

“You don’t want to go?” he asked.

“I . . . I don’t know.” She closed her eyes and rubbed at her forehead. “I’m so confused.”

“You don’t do anything you don’t want to do, understand me?”

“It’s not that I don’t want to go,” she whispered. “But he wants us to be more than just two friends going out for dinner.”

“He’s pressuring you? I’ll kill that motherfucker.” He stood and placed her on the sofa. “Stay here. I’ll be back after I teach him a lesson.”

“No, wait, Loki! Argh!”

He turned just in time to catch her as she tripped on the blanket.

“Oh, drat.”

“Tink, you need to be more careful. You’re going to injure yourself,” he scolded as he removed the blanket from around her.

“I had to stop you.”

“You’re not stopping me. I’m going to teach that bastard that it’s not okay to go around pressuring women into dates. Fucking dick.”

“Loki, he didn’t pressure me. Not like . . . not like you’re thinking. Remy is a good guy. There aren’t many men who would sleep on the floor because he was worried about me being alone. Or stay the next day and fetch eggs from she-demons, then help me bake cupcakes. And make sure I was fed. He bought groceries for us.”

“That’s where those groceries came from?” Fuck. Now he felt even worse. He’d left and she hadn’t even had food. Or a working security light. Although that was odd since it had been working the night before.

Something else he owed Remy for. And he didn’t like that.

“All right. So I won’t teach him a lesson.”

She gave a relieved sigh, rubbing her forehead again.