Hello, rock and hard place.


But she couldn’t refuse to give him her number, right? She quickly put it in and he immediately texted her.

“Just making sure it was right.” Remy winked at her. “I’ll text you.” He strode away with a nod at Loki. “Make sure you brush your teeth well after all that junk.”


Loki was mad.

At least he wanted to be mad. He wanted a reason to punch that guy in the face.

Loki loved a good fight. It was an excellent way to get rid of excess energy. A perfect distraction.

However, he couldn’t go starting one with Remy without a reason.

He looked at Isa like she was important to him.

And that was fucking with Loki’s head.

Because it was the same way he felt about Isa. As though she was his entire world.

He knew he was being selfish, but he didn’t want to share her.

He also didn’t want to lose her.

The only way to keep her for good would be to tie her to him. And he couldn’t do it to her.

Isa deserved someone who could take care of her.

And the fact of the matter was that he didn’t trust himself with her.

Look at what had just happened. She’d needed him and he hadn’t been here.

Isa had a shitty childhood. Stability and calm and someone who was reliable . . . that was what she required.

That wasn’t him.

It could be Remy, though.

But Loki just couldn’t seem to let her go.

Fucking selfish.

“I won’t text him.”

He blinked and looked over at where Isa was sitting curled up on the corner of the couch. About as far away as she could get from him.

Well, he fucking hated that too.

Her show was on, but he hadn’t been paying much attention. Usually, they snuggled up under the same blanket with snacks and watched it together.

This was all wrong.

He exploded out of his seat and started pacing.

All. Fucking. Wrong.