Isa narrowed her gaze. “You better give me those cookies, or I’ll open a can of whoopie on your ass!”

“I’m pretty sure you mean open a can of whoop ass,” he said dryly.

“That too! Gimme my cookies, Lurch!”

He raised his eyebrows. “Now, that doesn’t sound like a girl who actually wants cookies.”

Grr. She’d cookie his ass.

No, she had no idea what that meant but it sounded good in her head.

“I was simply going to ask when we’re going out on that date.”

Shit. She glanced around, worried that Loki would come up on them. He was choosing their ice cream. That usually took him a while.

“You’re looking for him.” There was a strange look on Remy’s face. Disappointment?

Shoot. She hated this.

Tears filled her eyes and she closed them.

Big girls don’t cry.

Don’t be a wuss, Isa.

“Isa, what’s wrong? Hey, baby, look at me.”

“Isa? What’s going on? What did you do to her?” Loki demanded.

Shoot. She smothered her feelings and opened her eyes as Loki tried to shove Remy aside. To her surprise, Remy moved away.

“Tink, what did he do?” Loki demanded.

“Nothing. He didn’t do anything. Well, other than hold my cookies hostage. A grave offense.”

“What? Why wouldn’t you give her the cookies?” Loki glared at Remy.


“Loki, it was a joke. Remy was helping me get the cookies.”

“You looked like you were going to cry. You never cry.” Loki eyed them both suspiciously.

“Maybe she should cry more,” Remy suggested. “It’s healthy to cry.”

“Are you saying you cry?” She gave Remy a suspicious look.

He grinned. “Healthy for you. If I cry, people think it’s the apocalypse.”

She rolled her eyes. “That’s so silly. But yay, cookies!” She took them, doing a small victory dance.

Remy shook his head at her. “You’re crazy. You’re not going to eat all this junk food tonight, are you?” He stared into the cart next to Loki.

“No, of course not!” she said. “We’ll save some of the ice cream for tomorrow night. Tonight, it’s my choice of TV shows. Tomorrow, it’s Loki’s. And I’ve just realized how sad we sound.” She bumped into Loki, who was being surprisingly quiet.

“It sounds like fun.” There was something wistful on Remy’s face. And she suddenly wondered what he did on a Friday night. Did he even have any friends? He must have some out at Sanctuary Ranch. Right?

“I realized that I forgot to get your phone number the other day,” Remy said casually. “Would you put it in?” He held out his phone.