He frowned at her then down at the bed. “Why is the bed so lumpy?”

He drew back the covers, his eyes widening. “Why are all these pillows under here? Why would you…”

She sighed.

“You put these here so it looked like you were sleeping if I glanced at the baby monitor.” He put his hands on his hips as he glared down at her.

She peeked up at him. “Sorry, Daddy.”

“Not as sorry as you’re going to be in a minute, little miss.”

Charlie gulped. “I thought you weren’t going to punish me while I wasn’t feeling well!”

“Weren’t you just telling how much better you’re feeling?”

“Umm, yes, well. Maybe I’m not as well as I thought I was.”

“Is that so? Well, if that’s the case we better get Doc here to examine you. We’ll need to extend your bed rest, of course. And cancel your bridal shower.”

“No! You can’t do that!” she protested.

He gave her a stern look.

She caved. “I feels a lot better, Daddy.”

“And if you’re well enough to get into mischief like this, then you’re well enough to get your butt roasted.”

Bummer. She really hadn’t thought this through.

Clint sat on the bed then he crooked a finger at her.

Reluctantly, she stepped forward, between his legs. His hands landed on her hips. “Do you want to get both of your punishments over at once? One for not telling me how stressed and run-down you were getting. Two for sneaking out of bed and trying to find your cell phone. And trying to trick me with those pillows into thinking you were sleeping.”

She bit her lip. Both punishments at once? That sounded, umm, painful. But, then again, maybe it was a better idea. Then she wouldn’t have to wait and wonder.

“I want to get both over and done with at once.”

He studied her for a moment. “All right. We’ll say fifteen with my hand and ten with the paddle.”

Her mouth dropped open. Holy crap.

“Umm, maybe we should talk about this.”

“You can talk to me whenever you like, baby. You know that.”

She did know that. But really, what was there to say? She should have told him she wasn’t coping with all the stress. And she really shouldn’t have gotten out of bed and snuck off to find her phone.

“Do you have something you want to say?” he asked gently.

“Just that I’m sorry, Daddy.”

“I know you are, little darling. After your spanking, we’re going to cure this boredom of yours with some lines. I think a hundred lines saying you won’t try to trick Daddy again ought to do it.”

This time she groaned. She’d rather have another spanking.

“Yes, Daddy.”

“I’ll go get your paddle.” He stood and she backed up. He picked up a pillow, placing it at the end of the bed. “I want youlying over that. Your panties off, nightie up above your bottom. I’ll be back soon.”