He grinned. “I think that’s the Italian stallion, sweet pea.”

She giggled. Then she looked up at Beast. “Umm, I think I’ll start small and work my way up.”

“Good plan. I promise, Meg is as sweet as a horse can get. She’ll follow Beast’s lead, but we’re also going to go through the basics before we start out.”

“I’m so excited.” She clapped her hands together.

“Now, I know you had gloves on when we left the cabin. And a jacket.”

“I got hot after the walk here. The sun is out. And you’re not wearing a jacket.”

He gave her a stern look. “The sun might be out, but it’s still much colder than you’re used to. It’s gonna take you a while to acclimate to the cold. We need to keep you wrapped up so you don’t get sick.”

Macca took hold of her hand with a frown. “Your hands are freezing. Maybe it’s too cold for you out here.”

“It’s not, Daddy, please.” She gave him her best puppy dog, pleading eyes. “I’ll put the gloves and jacket back on.”

He reached into the backpack and tugged out her jacket, holding it for her to put on. Then he quickly did it up and slipped on her gloves.

It still surprised her sometimes, how he cared for her. He could be so sweet and considerate. Unless he was spanking her, that is.

That was just mean.

But she wasn’t going to think about that right now. The sun was shining. She was going on her first horse ride, to have a picnic with her very own cowboy.

Well, sort of cowboy. He didn’t actually work on the ranch like Linc did. But he definitely looked the part. And he had the horse. So she was claiming him as a cowboy.

Whether he liked it or not.

“Right. I want this jacket and gloves staying on unless I take them off you, understand? And your hat needs to stay on as well. It will keep your head warm and the sun off you.”

She knew he was worried about her Lupus flaring up. But the sun seemed much less harsh here than in Australia. She hadn’t had a flare-up since that last big one when she’d ended up in the hospital.

“Okay, baby, come meet Meg. She likes to be scratched behind the ears.”

“Hello pretty lady,” she crooned to the horse. She reached out and gave Meg a scratch, laughing as the horse moved her head closer, as though asking for more.

“She’d love it if you stood there all day and patted her,” Macca told her with a grin. “Come on, let’s go. We need to be home in time for you to take a nap.”

She frowned. “I don’t need a nap. I’m not tired.” He was far too obsessed with her getting enough sleep for her liking.

He patted her bottom lightly, but the warning was there. “No arguing or we’ll head home and you can have a nap right now. Besides, you don’t want to leave Queenie for too long.”

No, that was true. They’d managed to make the kitten a temporary litter box and bed, but Gigi didn’t want her on her own for long.

He lengthened the stirrup. “Put your foot in here and grab hold of the horn. I’ll help you pull yourself up.”

He grasped hold of her waist to steady her then helped her climb onto the horse. That’s when she realized she was sitting on the Meg all by herself. She let out a small noise that was a mix of excitement and nerves.

“Take hold of the reins.” He helped her grab hold of them properly. Then he took her through a few commands, walking beside her as she tried them all out. After around twenty minutes he told her they were ready to set off. “Now, don’t worry, Meg is used to new riders. She’ll follow Beast’s lead if you do nothing. So you really don’t have to do anything but enjoy yourself, okay?”


“Good girl.” He patted her thigh gently before swinging himself up on Beast. Then they were off. Macca led them away from the ranch, through the trees and down to a creek. She smiled as she took it all in. Yellow and orange leaves coated thetrees, some of them falling to carpet the ground. It was like a picture on a postcard.

“Daddy?” she called out.

“Yes, sweet pea?”