"Before we face what’s ahead, there's something I need to let you all know." A smile tugs at the corner of Niko’s mouth. "Elena has agreed to be my wife."
Murmurs ripple through the room. I close my eyes. Of course, I knew this was happening. I could see it in her as she stood next to Niko. And of course, with twins on the way, she was safer under his protection. But still.
“Smart move,” Lou says. “Once Giovanni is gone, you can take over?—”
“This marriage isn’t about that. It isn’t business.” Niko brings Elena’s hand to his lips and kisses it. “This woman has stolen my heart.”
I cock my head, studying him, wondering if that could possibly be true.
“You have a heart?” Liam jokes.
Niko laughs. “Taking Donovan’s role?”
Liam shrugs. “Since he’s not here, I figured someone should.”
"Congratulations,” Niko’s men say, and they seem to mean it. Even Lou. That’s a relief. If they accept Elena, it will be better for her.
I step away from the doorway, and in that moment, I feel completely alone. My husband, who had been my friend for the last few years, has died. My sister is engaged and part of a new Family. I’m in limbo.
I hope I can stay with Elena and help with the babies, but I wasn’t part of Niko’s grand announcement, and that tells me that I should plan to return to Italy.
I’m not dead. Unless I’m in hell and the fire in my chest and jackhammering in my head are my punishment for a life of crime. I peel my eyelids open and immediately regret it as the sun sears my eyes like death rays. My hand moves to shield the glare, but it's heavy, as if weighted down by lead. I’m in the penthouse, but not my space. It’s an unused servant’s room.
Pleasure breaks through the pain at hearing her voice. Lucy. I manage to bring her face into view.
“Can’t stay away,” I try to say, although the sandpaper in my throat makes it hard.
"Lucia, please." Liam's voice is calm but laced with a hint of irritation. My Lucy has that effect on everyone except maybe Elena and me. Well, she irritates me too, but in a good way. Turns out I’m a sadist.
“You do know you’re not bulletproof right?” she hisses.
I feel like shit, and yet her words make me happy. “Careful. It almost sounds like you care.”
She sniffs, her face distorting into disgust. “Yeah… no.”
"Lucia, he needs rest." Liam’s hands are firm on her shoulders as he guides her away.
She jerks away. “Don’t touch me.” Her glare lingers on me for a moment, and then she's gone.
“I think she likes me.”
Liam rolls his eyes.
“How is he?” Niko asks, striding into the room.
“I’ve been better, but I’ve been worse,” I manage. "Feels like I've been hit by a truck.”
"More like a bullet.” Niko steps closer, worry and gratitude clear in his eyes. “You saved my life.”
I shrug, but the movement feels like a knife in my chest. “It’s my job.” I can remember blocking him from Giovanni’s shot, but everything after that is a blur. “Tell me you killed Giovanni.”