I follow, repeating the words the priest has me say, and next thing I know, the priest announces, "Mr. and Mrs. Donovan Ricci. You may kiss your bride."
Donovan's eyes are soft as his hand cups my cheek. It's a tender gesture that I'm not expecting. The ache of yearning it causes is also unexpected. He leans in, his lips gently brushing against mine. Something inside me leads me to tilt my head, to lean into the moment. A small groan escapes him as he takes the kiss only slightly deeper, his lips firmer.
"Now might be a good time to go start that honeymoon," Niko says. There's a tension in his voice that tells me he's on alert. Perhaps my father is outside, ready to exact his revenge and take me as his prize.
Donovan pulls away and gives me his signature smirk. "Welcome to the Family, Mrs. Toady."
Moments later, Donovan has me packed into the back of an SUV. He sits next to me as the driver maneuvers through the streets at a clip that seems too fast for traffic in New York City, even at midnight.
"Where are we going?" I ask.
Donovan's hand covers mine and gives it a gentle squeeze. "Our honeymoon."
I jerk my gaze to his, wondering what that means. Hadn't he told me earlier that he wouldn't expect anything from me as his wife? Maybe we have to consummate the marriage to make it official. My girly parts light up in anticipation, betraying all my efforts to keep a distance between me and Donovan
His smirk graces his face again. "Don't worry, I give you my word that I won’t force anything on you."
All those girly parts settle down. If they had expressions, they would look disappointed.
“Rest. We have a drive.”
Sleeping feels like a better option than talking to my new husband, so I close my eyes. When I wake, it’s two hours later and we’re at a fancy hotel in Atlantic City. Donovan ushers me into the lobby of the hotel, and while nobody else can probablynotice, I see many of Niko’s men are already here. More than seems necessary for protection. This isn’t a regular honeymoon.
Donovan goes to the check-in. "Honeymoon suite for Mr. and Mrs. Donovan Ricci."
I look up at him in surprise that he used his real name. Then I put two and two together. We’re in my father’s territory, and Donovan has just revealed that he’s here. But I don't ask Donovan about it until we’re inside the suite.
We’re barely through the door when I say, "This whole thing is just some sort of bait to lure my father out?" I hate that the thought of this marriage being bait hurts me. It doesn't make any sense. I don't want Donovan. I don't want this life. So, why does everything Donovan does to assure me that it’s not expected of me make my heart crack a little bit more each time?
"But you used your real name."
Donovan’s smirk turns menacing. "I want your father to know that I'm not afraid of him. If he wants to come at me, let him." He steps closer to me, rubbing his hands up and down my arms. "But I promise you, Lucy, he won't get anywhere near you. I don't just give you my word, I vow my life."
He said something similar during the marriage ceremony, but this time, there's something in his eyes and tone that seems different. Like he means it. Not that he didn't mean it before, but before, it was offering protection as part of his duty. Now, it's almost as if there's emotion behind it.
"Maria packed your bags, and they should already be in the bedroom. Go ahead and get ready for bed. I have some work I still need to do."
Once again, disappointment floods me. Perhaps it's time to face it. There's something about Donovan that I can't resist, no matter how hard I try.
I am exhausted, so I make my way to the bedroom, and I find all my clothes already put away in the dresser. I pull out a nightgown that isn't mine, and I wonder if Donovan put together a trousseau for me. I'm too tired to rummage around for the usual shorts and T-shirt I sleep in, so I toss it on the bed and start to take my dress off. The problem is that I can't reach the zipper.
Moments later, I feel knuckles brush the back of my neck, and it sends a shudder through my body.
"Let me help you." Donovan's voice is low and husky.
A finger trails down my back as he lowers the zipper. I close my eyes as an ache pools between my thighs. I'm about to turn around and throw myself into his arms when he steps back.
When I finally turn, he pulls out a small gun and sets it on the nightstand. "Do you know how to use one of these?"
I nod. "Luca taught me." He did it mostly because I was bored, and Giuseppe encouraged him to teach me.
For a moment, the scowl flashes on Donovan's face at the mention of Luca, but it's gone so quickly I wonder if maybe I imagined it.
"I don't think you'll need to use it. We've got this place locked down tighter than Fort Knox. But I'll feel better knowing that you have it. You go ahead and get some sleep. I'll be back in a few hours."
"Are you just having a meeting or are you going to do something dangerous?" I ask.