“Get him to a room now. Not his. He’ll bloody it up. The empty servant room. Where’s Doc?” Niko's command slices through the tension, and yet, the crack of fear is clear in his voice. His friend, his brother in arms, is injured. Seriously injured, judging by the amount of blood.

I gasp and rush to Donovan.

Just as I’m about to reach him, one of the men helping him pushes me back. “Hey!”

Donovan grips the man’s arm. “If you ever put your hands on her again, I’ll rip your throat out!” Then he passes out.



“Take care of him,” Niko orders. He turns to head upstairs, and it seems cold of him to leave Donovan like this, but I see the worry in his eyes. And the anger. He now has another reason to seek vengeance.

Elena follows Niko upstairs, and my first instinct is to go with her. Niko is in a state, and I want to protect her, especially if he rejects her again. But I recall how Elena has acted tonight. She was assertive. Determined. A leader. She doesn’t need me.

So I turn my attention to Donovan. I elbow my way through the sea of bodies. "Move. Put him down here so I can check him.”

There, in the center of their circle, lies Donovan. They've propped him against a wall, his face waxen. I’m shocked at the amount of blood. It’s everywhere, soaked into his shirt.

My fingers find Donovan's pulse, a thready beat telling me he’s alive, but for how long? Panic nips at my nerves, but I squash it down. He should be at the emergency room, but I know why he’s not. Why he won’t. Too many questions. Too much risk. No, Mafia families have their own medical personnel to avoid hospitals.

“Where’s the doctor?”

"Stuck in traffic. He won't make it for a while." The response comes from one of Niko's men, his face pinched with worry.

Memories flood back of all the times I nursed Giuseppe. It wasn’t due to gunshot wounds, but he’d had a few falls near the end that required bandaging. Something needs to be done for Donovan, and it appears I’m the only one remotely suited to taking care of it.

“Fine. We’ll start without him. First, we need to move him. Somewhere flat, somewhere I can work."

"Are you sure?" Liam's voice is filled with doubt.

I ignore him. "Get me alcohol, towels, bandages, a knife, and tweezers.”

“She’s one of them,” one of the men grumbles. “Giovanni shot him and she’s?—”

“She’s not.” Liam’s voice is stern.

The man appears hesitant and yet compelled to press on. “She’s a Fiori.”

I step into the man’s space. His eyes narrow, and I’m sure he’ll have no problem breaking my neck. “Maybe you should march upstairs to tell that to Elena. She’s a Fiori too. I’m sure Niko would love the reminder.”

The man’s face scrunches in disgust.

“Well? What’s the problem? Or how about I go do it for you?” I turn to go upstairs. Why was I worried about Donovan, anyway? Elena and Niko have been upstairs long enough.

“Please, Lucia.” Liam puts his hand on my arm. “Lou is just being protective.”

“Giovanni is a dead man,” Lou says.

“If you were better at your job, he’d already be dead.” I glare at him, daring him to challenge me even though I don’t much want to be punched or choked.

He bares his teeth but steps aside.

“Let’s get him into another room,” I say.

The men shift, discomfort in their stances, but no one moves.

"Did you not hear me?" Do they want Donovan to die?