When she was done, she felt absurdly victorious, something Gabe obviously noticed when she returned.

“You look like you just wrangled a bull into submission.”

She laughed. “It feels good to know there’s at least some kind of camping I can enjoy. Who knows, maybe you can take me real camping one day and I’ll enjoy it.”

At her words, his smile dimmed and he looked away. Right. Because this was a one-time thing and he’d probably never be taking her any kind of camping ever again.

She recovered as best she could, pretending she didn’t notice. “Anyway, this is much nicer than I could ever have expected. Thank you for taking so many things into consideration to make it that way.”

“You’re welcome.” He handed her a glass of icy cold white wine.

She sipped it thoughtfully, watching as he chugged on a beer. He really had thought of everything to make her life easier not just tonight but in preparation for the contest. She wasn’t even sure why she was surprised.

Before they’d even met, she’d heard about him. According to Jamie, Gabe had a tough streak, was a maniac on the soccer field and in a boxing ring, and constantly had girls throwing themselves at him. When they’d walked on the beach, however, she’d seen a totally different man—one who was tough and strong and handsome, yes, but one who was also sweet and considerate. He was a bundle of contradictions, and maybe that’s why she’d always been drawn to him. Not evenheseemed to be aware of all his complexities.

They sat in the comfy camp chairs he had set up around the barbecue, and watched the sun as it began its descent across the horizon. Gabe occasionally stirred the coals, waiting for them to get hot enough for the steaks. He liked his bloody, and she liked hers only a little less so. They wouldn’t take long, despite their immense size. She got up and moved to the sturdy wooden table, and pulled out the fixings for a simple salad from the cooler. It wasn’t just any cooler, but a solar powered, full-on refrigerator.

She mixed a dressing, then poured it liberally over the leaves, tossing it until every bit was covered in the olive oil and balsamic vinegar. She picked a small cherry tomato out and crunched into it. The juice spurted down her chin, but it was fresh and delicious. She was beginning to understand why people always said food tasted so much better in the great outdoors. Her limbs ached from the work putting up the yurt, but she felt amazing.

Gabe moved toward the steaks, but then glanced at her and changed direction to step closer to her. Reaching out, he swiped at her chin with his thumb. “You have some…”

Brianne shuddered at his touch, causing his eyes to narrow and his nostrils to flare.

Still cupping her chin, he smoothed his thumb over her skin again.

His touch was so gentle but his gaze was smoldering in the dusk light. She remained perfectly still, perfectly silent. She didn’t want to spook him or ruin the moment by asking for more. But how she wanted to. How she wanted to pull him closer and kiss him.

She didn’t have the nerve to do that, but apparently she had the nerve to lower her head just slightly and lightly kiss the pad of his thumb.

He hissed in a breath and rubbed his thumb against her lips, softly and then with firmer pressure. She closed her eyes, and waited, praying he wouldn’t move away.

He didn’t. Instead he slid his hand around to cup her neck and lowered his head so their foreheads touched. “God, Brianne, I want you. I know I shouldn’t. I know we shouldn’t…”

“Eric called off the wedding because of you,” she said in a rush. “Because of how I felt about you. How I’ve always felt about you.”

He stiffened and raised his head, looking at her with an expression of disbelief. She couldn’t believe it either, that she’d admitted it. Now that she’d said it, she felt lighter. And now that she’d started, she couldn’t stop.

“It’s true, Gabe. I tried to deny it. I felt horrible and disloyal to Eric. During the day, I could pretend my feelings for you didn’t exist, but at night I couldn’t. I dreamed about you, and Eric knew that.”

“How did he know?”

She tried to look away, but he wouldn’t let her, grasping her chin and keeping her face looking at his. “How?”

“I called out your name. More than once.”

He closed his eyes, as if her words pained him.

“So you’ve dreamed of me. You’ve wanted me. All this time?”

“All this time, Gabe. Only there was Eric. And he’s your best friend. And you didn’t feel the same way—”

“Bullshit. I wanted you, Brianne, but the situation we were in...”

“I understand. But Gabe, we’re not in that situation now. Eric left because of the way he knew I felt about you—even if I was denying it to myself. I can’t do that anymore. I want you, Gabe.” She stood on tip toe to kiss him tenderly, but it didn’t stay that way for long. He pushed her hair back from her face, cradling her head as he kissed her eyes, her cheeks, her nose. Finally, he claimed her lips, crushing them gently. She ran her tongue along his lips, then suckled gently at his lower lip.

Chapter Twelve

Gabe was still reeling from what Brianne had told him. From the realization that she’d harbored feelings for him for a long time, and thathewas actually the reason that Eric had broken things off with her.