Brianne covered her mouth with her hand. “Oh, jeez! Yes! See what I mean?” She jumped up from her desk, rushing around the room to get her things together.
“No sweat, boss. I’ll give him a call and let him know you’re running a little late.” Evie giggled as she watched Brianne run around the room.
“Great,” Brianne replied. “And while you’re at it, can you ask him where I’m supposed to be meeting him?” She felt like the absolute worst, needing her assistant to remind her. Especially when she had a boyfriend like Gabe.
Evie had made a good point when she complained about Brianne and Gabe making her want to throw up. Brianne knew if she were in Evie’s shoes, she’d feel the same way. But it was too easy to bethat couplewhen Gabe was by her side, the couple that was always smiling and laughing and kissing. The honeymoon phase was still well in effect. Maybe it always would be. Like Evie said, they were meant to be. For now, they were squeezing six years of waiting into every minute.
* * *
“Honey, I’m so sorry,” she murmured, sliding into the chair Gabe held out for her at the restaurant. “I don’t know where my brain is lately.”
“Probably on the hundred things you have to do every day,” Gabe said. His understanding smile and the twinkle in his green eyes gave Brianne a measure of peace.
“You’re too good to me,” she said. There was no need to pick up a menu—it was her favorite restaurant, and she knew it by heart. A glass of wine helped her relax a bit.
“I wanted success. I really did,” she said, taking a sip of her earthy red wine. “I just didn’t think it would happen in one fell swoop, the way it has.”
“You’re trying to do too much on your own. I think it’s time you consider expanding.”
“Already taken care of,” she smiled. “I’m interviewing new people next week. A second assistant.”
Gabe didn’t look convinced. “I don’t have just two assistants. I have an entire staff. I’m serious. I think you need to expand. Consult on a high level, but leave the grunt work to the staff. It’s the only way to keep growing and keep your sanity.”
“Do you really think I have the potential to get that big?” Brianne asked.
“I think you can go as far as you want to,” Gabe replied.
He sounded so sweet, and looked so handsome in the white button-down that set off his tanned skin, Brianne wanted to jump him in front of a crowded restaurant. “It’s all because of you,” she said, raising her glass.
“No, it’s because of you.” He smiled softly, touching his glass to hers. “You’re the one people want to work with. It’s your personality and vision. I just pointed you in the right direction once. You ran with it.”
She thought about Gabe’s suggestion. Really expanding to make room for even further growth. Did she have it in her?
Then food was delivered to the table, and everything was forgotten as Brianne dug into a plate of pasta. “I’m starving,” she groaned. “I keep forgetting to eat lunch.”
“You should schedule that in, too,” Gabe joked.
“Very funny, but don’t think I haven’t considered it.” She grinned.
“Oh, did I tell you? I got a call from Eric today. He said hi. He’s knee-deep in hammers and nails and he loves every minute of it.”
“I’m so glad.” Who would have thought life would turn out the way it did? If her subconscious hadn’t pushed things by having her say Gabe’s name during her dreams, she might have actually married Eric. They would have just celebrated their first anniversary. And she would still be longing for the man she was destined to be with.
Gabe had a funny look on his face, and Brianne wondered if he was thinking along the same lines. It was scary, how close they’d come to not being together. She couldn’t imagine not waking up in the night to find his strong arms around her, or glancing over at him during an event to see his chiseled profile, or hearing the sweet sound of his voice every day.
“Speaking of phone calls,” Gabe continued, “have you spoken with your mom recently?”
“Mom? Hmm, no. Not for a few days. Why?”
“Oh, she’s all worked up over an event she’s planning.”
“An event?” Brianne put down her knife and fork, tilting her head. “What event? She didn’t tell me she had anything coming up.”
“I think it’s a fairly recent thing,” Gabe said.
“What is it? Will she need my help?”
“Probably—your input, at least.”