“You like that?” he whispered, pulling her hair lightly.

“Yes!” Brianne gasped, a tingling sensation rippling through her, joining the growing heat between her legs which radiated throughout her body. She was on fire, every sensation like another log on the blaze.

“My nasty girl,” he grunted, then let go of her hair to grasp her hips and begin pummeling her with hard, sharp thrusts that left her moaning in one, long, continuous sound, climbing in volume as her pleasure spiked. At the last moment, she put her face in a pillow and screamed, jolts of pleasure coursing through her as she came.

And still he took her, thrusting wildly, his balls slapping against her clit as he went. The pleasure never stopped, either, going on and on, until Brianne thought she would lose her mind from it. Her body trembled as one after another orgasm hit her.

“Can’t…take…much more…” he grunted, her muscles so tight around him.

“Let go, baby,” she begged, moaning between gasps for breath. “Come for me. Let me hear you come.” He took her hard, pounding faster until one final thrust sent him over the top. He growled, almost roaring like some wild animal as he exploded into her. She shuddered, finally finishing her own string of orgasms. Her arms trembled, and she collapsed onto the cushions.

Her legs and arms were splayed in all directions, and when Brianne was finally able to turn her head to look at Gabe, she saw that he’d collapsed the way she had.

“Whoa,” she whispered, giggling. “That was…something.”

“I only hope none of your guests have really good hearing, or they’ll think I was killing you in here.”

“Even if they do, they’re much too polite to say anything about it,” Brianne joked.

He rolled over, pulling her into his arms. “I plan to test their politeness a lot more tonight,” he growled.


One Year Later

“You definitely brought glamping to the Beverly Hills set,” Evie said, laying a stack of files on Brianne’s desk. “I swear I don’t know how we’ll keep up.”

“This is, what, four glamping events in the next month?” Brianne asked, sitting back in her chair. “After finishing two this month? We’re bound to hit critical mass soon. We had no idea what we were getting into when we threw that first event, did we?”

“Oh, come on. It’s fun. You even learned to love the outdoors—or at least tolerate it.” Evie perched on the edge of Brianne’s desk, flipping through the paperwork. “And it gives you a chance to work with yourman.” She winked, wiggling her eyebrows suggestively. Brianne smirked.

“Yeah—good thing we work together so well,” she said. “Or else this would have been one short-lived relationship.”

“Please. You two were meant to be since day one. You’re so cute together, you make me wanna puke,” Evie quipped, hopping off the desk to return to her own. Brianne watched with a smile as her assistant’s blonde ponytail swung back and forth when she walked away.

The phone rang. “I swear, you’re gonna have to order an assistant for me!” Evie called out, before answering.

The success was great, even better than anything she could have imagined. Though Lavish Events hadn’t won the spread inLife and Societydue to the help from Gabe, they hadn’t lost either. Leland had been disqualified, as well, for disrupting Brianne’s event and publicly admitting to spying on her. A thorough investigation had revealed Leland’s mole to be one of Gabe’s contractors, a man who’d worked for Leland on occasion and wanted Leland beholden to him.

So even though they hadn’t been victorious, Evie compared them to Rocky Balboa in the firstRockymovie: he lost the first fight, but won his self-respect. An editor fromLife and Societyhad contacted them separately, saying she wanted to do a smaller article on Lavish Events, which was wonderful news. More importantly, the phone had been ringing off the hook when Brianne opened the office the Monday after the contest.

They’d been insanely busy ever since. Glamping had become their specialty. Lavish had put on over two dozen glamping adventures since the first one. Once it became clear they’d started a fad, it had only made sense to bring Gabe and his company in as a partner.

It was a joy, pure and simple. Working side-by-side with the man she loved. They had a great time together, even when they argued because they had two different visions on a project. It was testament to how comfortable and secure she felt with Gabe that she didn’t mind arguing with him. Didn’t fear that it would lead to a break-up.

And, of course, the making up part was always so nice, too.

Still, both she and Evie were feeling overwhelmed. It was time to bring in a second assistant, for sure. There was too much work for the two of them.

To prove the point, Evie walked into the room with the news of yet another meeting with a prospective client. Mrs. Torville was throwing an event to benefit an area children’s hospital and wanted something fresh and exciting. “It’s time for us to come up with something new,” Brianne said, “because the glamping thing’s going to get stale, quick. We can’t fall into the trap Leland got himself into.”

“What, being insufferable?”

Brianne snorted. “No. Getting comfortable. Insufferable is just who he is.” She was looking through her calendar to sift through the appointments and find an open spot for herself.

“I need time to breathe,” she murmured. “I practically have to schedule time with my own boyfriend.”

“Don’t you have a date with him tonight?” Evie asked.