A path had been set up, designated by two rows of potted trees strung with lights, leading to the stage and dance floor. There really was a feeling of grandeur, like an amphitheater. Musicians were tuning up, dancers were stretching and practicing.

Off to one side were tents, set up especially for the caterers. More than a dozen aspiring chefs were doing prep work and checking the conditions of their hot plates and refrigerators. Everything seemed to be working fine.

She checked the condition of the yurts. They were gorgeous, just as the one she’d been in with Gabe was. A fire pit, chandelier, lanterns, futons, pillows everywhere.

It was all perfect. Just as she had envisioned.

Tears came to her eyes. He had done this for her, all of it. He had made it possible, and worked so hard to do it. And he acted as though it was nothing, like she could expect it from him. Like he would do more, if she needed it.

Once she composed herself, Brianne found the tent which had been set up for her. She opened it, and gasped.

It was filled with flowers. Pink roses—her favorite. Dozens of them. Her eyes filled again, and this time her chin quivered and her hands covered her mouth.

“You like it?”

She whirled around, shocked to hear not Gabe’s voice, but Eric’s.

She stared at the man she’d dated for six years. The man she’d been going to marry. The first thing she felt was relief. Affection. Then anger.

“You? You did this?”

“I helped a little, but it was all Gabe. He wanted to be here to see your reaction, but he got called over to the generators—there’s an issue with one of them, but he’s working it out.”

“I can’t believe you’re here. Why are you here? How did you even know I’d be here?”

“Gabe came and hunted me down about a week ago.”

“What?” Brianne whispered. “I—I didn’t know.”

“No, I supposed you didn’t given you’re not really talking right now.”

He knew that, too? “So Gabe’s got you caught up on everything?” She cringed inside, wondering if Gabe had told him everything? That they’d slept together. Multiple times. It wasn’t that she was ashamed exactly—she and Eric hadn’t been together at the time—but she still didn’t want him thinking she’d gone from him to Gabe so easily. It hadn’t been easy. It had just been…right.

“All I know is that you two admitted you have feelings for each other, that he was with you when I called, and that I was, once again, a big reason why you both are still apart.” He looked uncomfortable. Hurt. And even though he didn’t admit it, Brianne knewheknew she and Gabe had been intimate.

“God, Eric. I’m so sorry. I never meant to hurt you. I didn’t even admit to myself how I felt about Gabe until you left. But I do care about him. I think I love him. But I love you, too.” Tears filled her eyes and Eric immediately came to her and took her in his arms. He held her tight.

“I know you love me, Brianne. I love you, too. But please… Please say it out loud. Admit it to both of us. You don’t love me the way you love Gabe.”

She sobbed, her tears falling even as she clutched him closer. He was so tall and muscular. Handsome and kind and smart. Why? Why couldn’t she have loved him the way he deserved? But in the end, why didn’t really matter.

When she’d calmed a bit, she pulled back and stared into his eyes. “I—I don’t love you the way I love Gabe, Eric. I’m sorry, but it’s true.”

He nodded and caressed her cheek with his knuckles. “I know. And I’ve suspected it for a long time, even before you called out his name in your sleep, Brianne. So don’t take all the blame on your shoulders. If I’d done the right thing, I would have confronted you about it a long time ago.”

She bit her lip as fresh tears threatened to overwhelm her. “Where have you been, Eric? Why did you stay away? We should have talked.”

“Talking wasn’t what we needed, Brianne. We needed time apart. Time for us both to see we could survive without the other. Time for you to have your chance with Gabe.”

She hugged him again, laying her head on his strong chest. “Even with you being gone,” she said softly, “we still managed to fuck things up.”

“Maybe,” he said. “But I have a feeling you’ll be able to work things out. Won’t you, Gabe?”

Brianne stiffened. Straightening, she turned to see Gabe standing behind her.

He was staring at her with a blank expression, and for a horrible moment, she wondered if he thought what he’d seen meant she’d chosen Eric over him.

“Go to him, Brianne,” Eric said, giving her a light push.