She sighed, and for the next hour, she and Evie worked in relative silence. Eventually, Brianne’s mom stopped by, and after filling her in on the details, Kathleen Whitcomb gave the event a thumbs up.

“Have you made arrangements in case of dietary restrictions?”

“Of course, Mom. This isn’t my first event.”

“Yes, yes, I know.” Kathleen looked over the contracts. “The performances. Nothing too…edgy?”

Brianne laughed. “Believe me, Mom. Everyone involved knows exactly the sort of people who will be coming, and the sorts of connections these people have. And the heads of the schools know the donations I’m making depend on how satisfied I am with the work. The guests will be thrilled.”

She showed her mother the playlists for all songs, digital files of the short films being presented, names of the scenes being acted out by the theater students, and recordings of the dances being performed. “I’ve covered every base.”

“What about a silent auction?”

“We have two dozen items. Evie has worked tirelessly at getting things together.” Her voice dropped to a whisper. “I think she deserves a raise.”

“I’m impressed,” Kathleen said, giving Brianne’s arm a squeeze. “Any other kinds of activities?”

“Croquet, horseback riding, canoeing, hiking. Campfire at night, music, dancing, even s’mores and weenies.”

Kathleen laughed. “They’ll love it. Going back to childhood is something we all want to do. This will be memorable, for sure. Even if you don’t win—which you will—this will be an event people will talk about for a long time.”

“I hope so,” Brianne murmured. “Better than them talking about me for other reasons.”

Her mother’s expression grew serious and she suddenly cupped Brianne’s face. “I’m so proud of you. Do you know that?"

Brianne’s eyes watered. She nodded.

“Most of all, I’m proud of how you follow your heart. And if your heart leads you back to Eric or to someone else, trust it, Brianne.”

Brianne narrowed her eyes. Had her mother found out about her and Gabe somehow?

“Mom, what are you saying?”

“I’m saying to fight for him, Brianne. Whoever he may be.”

Chapter Nineteen

The day of Brianne’s big event, Gabe was up with the sun. There was a ton of activity to oversee if the campground was going to be ready for guests to arrive that evening. And while he’d been fine with letting his assistant act as the go-between with Brianne in the weeks leading up to the event, he wasn’t going to pass off the actual set up. It was too important to leave to someone else.

No matter what, Gabe was going to make sure the event was the triumph Brianne deserved.

All the contractors would be meeting at his office in groups before heading up to the campgrounds with food and beverages, accommodations, generators, décor/lighting, facilities, and the stage and dance floor set-up. Bri would stay behind, at his office, to oversee the arrivals and departures and make sure everything was in order.

Gabe, on the other hand, would be at the campground, ensuring everything was set up correctly. He was going to do everything he could to make Brianne’s event a success. She had so much gumption even to come up with the idea, when she hated the outdoors so much. She was willing to do anything to save her business, even taking a massive risk like introducing the social set to the great outdoors.

He hadn’t spoken a word to her in two weeks, not even to tell her he’d seen Eric.

Even after it had become obvious that Eric had left town in order to give Gabe and Brianne a chance to figure things out without Eric being there, the visit hadn’t exactly been all sunshine and roses. Eric confirmed it hadn’t been an easy decision. That he was still hurt and confused. But in the end, he’d admitted he’d been feeling restless in the months leading up to the wedding, and that ultimately he wanted what was best for Brianne and Gabe.

He’d also said he wasn’t ready to return to LA.

When Gabe had argued with him, Eric had shown the first signs of being pissed.

“Look, Gabe,” he’d said, “I know you want me to go back so Brianne can face me and choose you, because let’s face it, I’m convinced even if you aren’t that that’s what’s going to happen. Normally I might be willing to do that but I’m feeling like I’ve done enough for the two of you right now, don’t you think? I think it’s about time the two of you take some fucking risks.”

Gabe had immediately felt like shit. “You’re right. You have done enough, Eric. I’m sorry for being selfish.”

Eric had immediately shaken his head. “No, I’m sorry.” He ran a hand through his hair. “Look, it sounds like right now, Brianne should focus on this big job you were telling me about. After it’s done, I should be ready to face her. Just give me until then to get my head on straight, okay?”