She swiped her finger over the screen again and brought up a photo of the yurt.

“That’s amazing!” Evie clapped her hands. “I had no idea it would actually be that beautiful! I mean, I’ve seen photos online…”

“Believe me, it’s even better in person. The fire pit, the lights dancing off the canvas…” Brianne’s thoughts began to wander. “It’s breathtaking.”

Evie took the phone to keep swiping through the photos. “Speaking of breathtaking…”

Brianne groaned, seeing the photo of Gabe hanging the chandelier. His arms were flexed, his polo shirt riding up as he stretched. A wide swath of his abs was visible. He was delectable, of course. And he’d just broken Brianne’s heart.

“Yeah, he’s okay, too.” Brianne turned her attention to her laptop, opening her vendor files. “We absolutely have to lock down our vendors. Today, if not sooner.”

“Brianne, what happened between you two?”



Brianne sighed, her head dropping. “I guess there’s no way to impress upon you the importance of expediency right now, is there?”

“Not until we talk about what’s really important. So you might as well come clean.”

Brianne’s eyes filled with tears and this time they fell before she could stymie them. Evie gasped, running around the desk to throw an arm over Bri’s sholders.

“Oh my God! He didn’t hurt you, did he?”

Brianne shook her head, pointing to her chest. “Here. He hurt me here.”

“How? What’s really going on?”

Brianne took several deep breaths. Could she trust Evie? Of course, she could. She wasn’t just her assistant, but one of her most trusted friends.

“I have to tell you the real reason Eric left,” she said.

Ten minutes later, it was all out on the table. She’d confessed everything—the dreams, Eric’s text, her first night with Gabe, and the beauty of their time together at the campground. Then she told her about Gabe’s change of heart that morning.

“Whoa.” Stunned, Evie slumped against the back of her chair. She played mindlessly with her ponytail. “You’ve been in love with Gabe all along?”

“I wouldn’t go that far,” Brianne said.

“I would. I mean, Jesus Christ, you were having dirty dreams about him…”

“That’s all they were. Dreams. I can’t control my subconscious.”

“No, but you can listen to it when it’s screaming to be heard,” Evie countered. “I mean, think about it! Your inner voice was trying so hard to get your attention! Finally, you said his name out loud, so Eric would hear it and react. It’s like straight out of fucking Freud, boss.”

“It doesn’t matter either way,” Brianne murmured. “He doesn’t want me.”

“Yes, he does. I think he showed you that last night. But he feels guilty about Eric, and it’s totally understandable.”

“I do understand. I feel guilty, too. But Eric left me.”

“True. But neither of you have talked to Eric since. Gabe’s probably wondering what happens when you do see him. If maybe you’ll regret being with Gabe after all. That you’ll want Eric back.”

Brianne frowned. “He never said anything like that. He just talked about his own guilt.”

“He’s a guy, Bri. He probably doesn’t even realize he’s scared of you choosing Eric over him. Again.”

“Again,” she whispered. Yes, she supposed it made sense. After all, she and Gabe had had feelings for each other for a long time, but he’d been right when he said Eric still stood between them. He always would until they could work things out once and for all. But when would they have the chance?