Gabe snorted, then realized Sam was serious.

Sam nodded. “He left. He forfeits. That’s it.”

“He left because of me. I didn’t know it, though.”

“Doesn’t matter. He left. End of story. You’re here, he’s not. I don’t see the problem. Maybe you’re only trying to make it a problem for yourself because…I don’t know. Because you don’t think you deserve her. Is that it?”

“Eric’s my best friend. It’s easy to say he forfeited but he wasn’t right in the head. Not with…what happened. And Brianne…she’s a different kind of person.”

“Bullshit. There’s only one kind of person. Your kind of person. It doesn’t matter where they come from. If they’re for you, they’re for you.”

“You make it sound so easy.”

“You’re the only one trying to make your life so hard. It doesn’t have to be that way. I’ve seen you fight. You take what you think is yours. You don’t get in the ring and ask yourself whether you’re good enough to win. You just get in and you win because you know you can. You see the win as yours already, and you take what’s yours. It doesn’t have to be any harder than that with life. And just like in the ring, if you overthink it, you’re finished.”

“He’s going to come back. Fuck, Iwanthim to come back.”

“So he comes back. You work it out. If you love her, fight for her. Just like you fought for everything else. You deserve her just as much as you deserve everything you’ve fought for.” He stood, putting his hands on Gabe’s sweaty shoulders. “I’ve seen how far you’ve come, and if I was a sentimental person I’d tell you I was proud of you. Nobody sees you as that kid off the streets but you. It’s time to get rid of that shit, once and for all.”

Gabe grinned up at his mentor. “Thanks.”

“And I swear to God, you ring another guy’s bell like you just did when it’s not a serious match, I’ll kick your ass from here to the curb. I might only be a welterweight but I could still beat the shit outta you.”

“I don’t doubt it,” Gabe said.

Chapter Fifteen

“So I’m guessing glamping was a fucking disaster.”

“Charming as always, Evie,” Brianne said with a sigh.

“Your face looks a little puffy. Have you been crying?”

“Uhm, maybe I had an allergic reaction to something I touched in the woods. Maybe you should be worried about my health, instead of giving me the third degree. Ever think about that?”

“No, if you did, you’d be in the hospital or something. But let me clarify—I’m guessing the disaster has more to do with you and the guy you went glampingwith.”

Brianne swallowed hard and blinked rapidly to hold back the sudden well of tears in her eyes. “Things didn’t go as planned. Okay? But can we leave it at that for now?”


“Evie, I’m serious. Please! This contest takes place in two weeks. We have a lot of work to do, and almost no time to go it.”

For several seconds, Evie just stared at her, then nodded. “Okay, okay. I’ll let it go for now.”

“Okay, then let’s get to work,” Brianne said.

And that’s exactly what they did. Brianne jumped into the work feet first, knowing her friend would start asking questions again the moment they took a break.

She pulled out her phone, showing Evie the photos she’d snapped. “See, here’s the event site. Isn’t it gorgeous?”

Evie nodded emphatically, but Bri could still see the worry in her expression.

“I thought we’d put the stage down by the water, and have the dance floor here…” She pointed to the spot she had in mind.

“That sounds great. What are you thinking for entertainment?”

“Not sure yet, but I have a few ideas. We’ll have to be quick about it since I’m sure most of the best groups are booked up. A little creativity might be in order. I’ll start making phone calls today.”