“You readPenthouse Forum?”

“No, I just look at the magazine for the photos.” Evie rolled her eyes. “You know what I’m saying. That man could get my panties wet from across the room. Actually, he has.” Evie closed her eyes and groaned happily.

“TMI,” Brianne scowled.

“You get my meaning. You’re going to be out in the middle of the fucking woods overnight with a sex god, and you wonder why I’m hyperventilating? Do we have any brown paper bags I can breathe into?”

If Evie only knew how right she’d been when she’d called Gabe a sex god. Images of their night together flashed through her head, and Brianne squeezed her legs together to calm the ache that suddenly filled her core.

“I’m sure I can handle myself,” Brianne said, really trying to make herself believe it. “It’s just one night. We’re both adults. Besides, I’ll probably be coated with sunscreen and bug spray. Super sexy.”

Evie raised an eyebrow. “I don’t know, Boss. The great outdoors does something to a person. All that fresh air and whatnot.”

“You sound as though you speak from experience,” Brianne observed.

“I’ve already given you enough insight into my dirty mind today.” Evie turned to exit Brianne’s office. “All I’m saying is, get a fresh wax beforehand. You never know what will happen.”

“Evie!” In spite of everything, the sound of her assistant’s laughter made Brianne smile. Yes, it was a good thing Evie didn’t know anything about Brianne’s night of wild sex with Gabe the night before. Poor Evie would be under the desk, with Brianne calling for an ambulance.

She rested her chin on her palm, once more overcome by day dreams that were now more vivid than any of the dreams she’d ever had about Gabe. That only made sense. She no longer had to imagine the way Gabe’s hands and tongue felt on her skin, or how glorious he felt inside her. She knew how he tasted, and how wildly she’d writhed when he’d held her wrists together when he took her.

She now knew how rough and demanding he could be when his own desire threatened to swamp him.

And she’d never feel any of it again.

Even worse, she had to make sure what happened didn’t ruin their friendship.

Oh God, how was she going to get through a night away with Gabe. He’d said she’d have fun, but right now, all she could picture was him naked. Stretched out across an air mattress, or futon, or whatever the hell people slept on when they glamped.

Or better yet…

She imagined the two of them returning from a hike, after getting caught in a freak rainstorm. They’d run into the tent, laughing, soaking wet. Their laughter would turn to lustful panting as they looked at each other’s bodies, accentuated by their wet, clinging clothing. She’d reach out and unbutton Gabe’s shirt. A single drop of water would drip from Gabe’s chin and down his broad, bare chest. She would lose control of herself, and lean in to lick that drop from his skin.

Then they’d be off. Their hands would be all over each other, groping, clawing, fondling, as they tore their clothes to shreds in their frantic need to be pressed skin-to-skin. This time, she would be on top, riding him until they both screamed. He would fill her, sending shockwaves through her body. He’d touch her everywhere, her most private places, making her burn. She would hear him scream her name. She would…she would…

She would need a cold shower.

Brianne sat back in her chair, letting a shaky sigh escape her lips. What was she doing? She was making it worse, that’s what. It was bad enough when she dreamed about Gabe at night. These incessant daydreams would only add to the tension between them.

Evie buzzed in. “You have a call on line one. Gabe’s assistant.”

Brianne frowned. It wasn’t like him to go through an assistant, not with her. Then again, he’d obviously never had a reason to avoid her before. “Thanks,” she said, clicking over. “Brianne Whitcomb.”

“Hi, Brianne, this is Stephanie.” Stephanie sounded perky and bubbly, exactly the kind of woman who’d be into outdoor adventure activities. She was probably tall, tanned, toned, and capable of pitching a tent, starting a fire, and whipping up a delicious meal in thirty seconds flat.

“Hi, Stephanie. What can I do for you?”

“Gabe asked me to confirm whether he can pick you up Saturday morning so the two of you can go glamping.” She giggled, making Brianne reassess the image she had of the other woman in her head. Maybe she was sorority sister far more than nature enthusiast. “What a fun word, right?”

“Very fun,” Bri said.

“I envy you,” Stephanie confided. “Some of these glamping set-ups are nicer than my first apartment, I swear. They make me wanna set up a getaway of my own.”

“I’m not one for the outdoors,” Brianne confided.

“Oh, don’t worry about that. The whole idea is to convince people they’re not really outdoors. When you’re outside, you’re outside. When you’re inside, you have all the comforts of home. You’ll love it.”

“Sounds great. And yes, please tell Gabe that Saturday morning will be perfect.”