“Are you sure?” Evie asked, surprise written all over her face. “I hate to leave you here by yourself.”

Brianne smiled confidently. She didn’t want Evie to worry about her when she had family problems. Plus, she was just tipsy enough to start thinking a one-night-stand really was a good idea.

The waitress appeared with her new vodka tonic. “See, I just got a new drink. I’ll be fine. I got all dressed up and want to put the outfit to the test,” she joked. “Besides, I don’t want you to have to deal with taking me home. We all know that nothing is ‘just right by’ anything else in LA You would probably have to go 45 minutes out of your way. So please, forget it, I can get a cab later on.”

Evie looked reluctant, even as she stood to go. Jake came to her side and slid an arm around her. “I don’t like leaving you.” She gave Brianne a hard look.

“Really. It’s fine. I am fine. Now go!” she insisted, sipping on her vodka tonic.

“Will you text me when you get home?” Evie asked, as Jake started to guide her toward the entrance to the club.

“Of course I will! I promise to give you a full report. It won’t be too late. I’ll be fine. Hug your sister for me.” She smiled as she waved away her friend.

Evie gave Brianne a last concerned look over her shoulder.

“Go!” Bri waved her off.

Finally, Evie let Jake lead her out of the club. Brianne noticed that she wasn’t the only one watching the pretty blonde walk away; a table full of guys were practically drooling as they watched Evie go from the club.

Then they trained their gazes on Brianne.

Chapter Five

Brianne gulped the rest of her drink, grabbed the small black clutch that she reserved for nights out and slid out of the booth. The alcohol was hitting her system and she needed to hit the bathroom to freshen up. When she slid back into her seat a few minutes later, happy that her little corner hadn’t been taken over by someone else, there was a new vodka tonic sitting on the table. She gestured to the waitress, who came over.

“Thanks for keeping me wet,” Brianne joked.

“Don’t thank me, thank him,” the waitress grinned, and leaned back to point out a man sitting at a table by the dance floor, alone—the very same guy Brianne had been eyeing appreciatively while dancing.

She wasn’t sure how to respond. It had been so long since a man had bought her a drink in a club out of the blue. Eventually she slowly raised her hand and wiggled her fingers in a wave to the man, who nodded and smiled back.

“He’s a real hottie,” the waitress said enviously. “Lucky you.”

He was most definitely a fine figure of manhood, that was for certain. That thick blonde hair, the cheekbones, and though Bri couldn’t see his eyes, she was sure they were a beautiful blue. He had the good looks of a model, and there was no denying that he was looking at her with interest.

She felt dizzy, from both the alcohol and the possibilities. He was perfect one-night stand material, at least from the looks of him; good looking, willing, alone. After all, that’s why she had come out with Evie, wasn’t it?

But now that she was here, and allowing herself to envision it, the thought of getting into a car with him and going to her apartment, stripping down to nothing and touching him all over and everything else that came with anonymous sex…well, she just didn’t know if she could do it.

And it wasn’t just about the sex. Eric still lurked in the back of her mind. She had loved him for so long. And then there was Gabe.

The way he occupied so much of her thoughts.

The way he made her long for things she couldn’t have.


Brianne glanced up. While she had been so lost in her thoughts, she hadn’t noticed that Mr. Sexy had actually gotten up from his table and moved toward hers. He stood right in front of her, smiling.

Brianne felt her breath catch a little in her throat. He was unbelievably attractive, but something about the whole situation felt wrong. She began to wish she had gone home with Evie and Jake after all.

“Hi,” she said, trying not to sound as nervous as she felt. “Thanks for the drink.” She forced one of her sexiest smiles.

“Can I sit?” He motioned to the table. “I’m Justin.”

“I’m Brianne,” she said, as he sat down.

He flashed his killer smile again, and she felt herself melting a little. He had that perfect mix of California surfer and brooding poet, with beautiful white teeth and a healthy tan. His hair was wavy and looked touchably soft. His shoulders were broad, perfect for holding on to. And she was pretty sure that the way he was looking at her, if she wanted to, she could hold on to him all night long.