“Like socialized health care and not shaving your armpits?” Evie joked.
“I beg you to stop helping,” she moaned.
“Sorry,” Evie said with a grin. She leaned forward and rested her chin in her hand. “But what?”
“I don’t know, I don’t know,” Brianne said, deflated once more. She picked up a pencil and drummed the eraser against the wooden surface. “Something glamorous. Think shopping in Paris, or the theater district in London,” she muttered, more to herself than to Evie. “Something cosmopolitan, but with an American lean…something, something like…,” she muttered, trailing off.
Evie jumped as Brianne slammed her palm against the desk.
“Holy hell, what was that for?”
“I’ve got it. Camping!” Brianne cried.
“Whatever, ‘cause that is just so glamorous!” Evie said, annoyed. “We have to be serious here.”
“I am serious!” Brianne insisted. “Okay, not camping, but glamping. Glamorous camping, hence, ‘glamping.’ This could work, this could really work.”
“Glamping,” Evie said slowly. “The trendhasbeen on the upswing. Even so, I haven’t heard of a glamping event being done on such a high publicity level before. Only…”
“Only it’s camping. In the outdoors. And you…”
“Crap,” Brianne said, slumping back to her seat as simple reality kicked back in.
“Yeah, you hate the outdoors,” Evie pointed out.
“It’s not that I hate the outdoors,” Brianne protested. “It’s that once we move beyond the beach at a swanky resort, well….the outdoors kind of hates me.”
“To be fair, I think you both have it out for each other. Remember that time Eric took you camping and you freaked out because you thought you got poison ivy but really just brushed up against crabgrass?”
“Hey! I’d never seen crabgrass in my life. My parents were meticulous about our lawn. Or at least, the gardener was. But you know what, it doesn’t matter. If I have to go glamping to beat Leland, I’ll gladly do it.”
“It is a pretty cool idea,” Evie admitted. “So it’s like really fancy tents and catered meals and air conditioners and gas fire pits, and stuff?”
“It is indeed, and huge cushions and comfy beds and twinkling lights and lots of bunting! We could hire different entertainers for the night, and have themed parties. Oh Evie, this could be really incredible,” she said. “Let’s start researching it right away!”
Evie winced slightly.
“It’s just…I’m supposed to go out with Jake, remember?”
“Of course. That’s right! I completely forgot.” Brianne made a shooing motion with her hand. “You have a fun time!”
Evie pouted. “And leave you here, working into the wee hours all by yourself? No way! Come with us!”
“Oh no. I’m fine. Don’t worry about me.”
“But I am worried. Come on, Brianne. You need a night out.” She moved to the side of the desk and leaned against it. “Jake and I were going to go out tonight anyway. You should come.”
“And be a third wheel? No thank you. Kind of you to offer, though.”
“Aw, don’t be difficult. You wouldn’t be a third wheel and you know it. The idea is, maybe we can find you a fourth wheel, and you can go burn rubber together.”
“That was the worst analogy ever,” Brianne grumbled as she looked at the lascivious grin all over her assistant’s face.
“Whatever,” Evie said, undaunted. “You need something to kick-start your personal life, something to get you revved up. Find some hot guy who means nothing and get him to bang your brains out. That’s a lot better than a lobotomy,” she said, with a knowing nod.