Page 91 of Locked In Ice

She heaved beneath him, and her nails raked down his back.She had to come again.Once more before he could let go.

He caught her nipples with his fingers.Pulled the taut peaks.Plucked.Pinched.


She was coming again.The telltale clench of her inner muscles sent him straight into the hottest, longest release of his life.Pleasure poured through every cell in his body.His world narrowed down to one focal point.




“Royce Nicholson has disappeared.”

He’d been sprawled in bed, with Ophelia cradled against him, and feeling pretty close to heaven.At her words, hell came calling.

His head turned toward her.

“Detective O’Brien called me when I was in the ballroom tonight.She wanted to let me know that he’d disappeared.”

He waited.There was more.Lane was sure of it.

“He had my PI office address pulled up on the computer at his place.”


“And, uh, Shay—Detective O’Brien—remembered that she came across a vic a few months back with a string tied around his ring finger.”

His body tensed.“She just remembered it?”Talk about convenient.

“His death was ruled a drug overdose.No foul play suspected.She saw the string and it stuck out in her mind because of the discovery with Bass.”

“Forget-Me-Not,” he muttered.

“The OD vic was found behind Pyro.”


“Agreed.Too much of a coincidence for me, too.”Her gaze held his.Light drifted into the room from the open bathroom doorway.“I want to find out the exact date of the guy’s death.I want to see the results of his tox report for myself.”

“Is the detective gonna hand that over to you?”

“Maybe.If not, we’ll still get them.I can have EAD Ballard apply pressure to her boss.I can also just go directly to Benny.”

Lane wasn’t so sure that old Benny was going to help with anything.Before he could tell her that, he heard the loud peal of a doorbell echoing through the house.

Lane had been tense before.Now his body went into battle-ready mode.No way was Ophelia expecting guests at this hour.And with her track record of having perps show up at her home looking to hurt her… “That shit is over,” Lane swore.He jumped from the bed.Raced into the bathroom and grabbed his borrowed sweats.

When he came back, Ophelia had hauled on a robe.She’d also taken a gun from her nightstand.Before she could head for the bedroom door, Lane stepped into her path.“I’ve been agreeable.”

“Excuse me?”

“I’ve pretty much went with the flow where you are concerned.Even when I was pissed as hell or thought that the plan was shit.”

She tried to step around him.

He did not let her.