“I’m sorry that you were locked away, Lane.I’m sorry that you had to fight so hard every single day just to survive.”Her hand reached out and curled around his.“And I am sorry that Ballard and so many FBI agents were wrong about you.”
“They said I was a monster.”Flat.Bitter.“They profiled me, and they said I was twisted and disturbed.A predator who would never stop.They thought I got off on torture and pain.That’s what the world believed about me.”
Her hold tightened on the hand he’d just fisted.“I don’t believe that about you.”
He stared down at their hands.Hers was so much smaller than his.So delicate.
“Ballard knows he was wrong about you.Iknow he was wrong.Not like it was the first time he was wrong, either.He missed Sam.Hell, if you want the full truth…” An exhale.“Sam’s case was personal for the Executive Assistant Director.They were tight.Best friends, in fact.Partners, until Ballard got promoted.He worked side by side with Sam for years, and Ballard never saw the man for what he was.So when I called the Feds to tell them about my suspicions—that someone using the Forget-Me-Not signature had killed again, I went straight to Ballard.He wants the past kept under wraps as much as possible.That’s why I didn’t tell Pierce and Tameka everything.I won’t tell them about Sam, not unless it becomes absolutely necessary.I’m waiting to see what they turn up first.”
“Because you’re protecting the FBI.”
Someone honked behind them.She let him go.Drove forward.“I’m waiting to see what in the hell is happening here.That’s what I’m doing.”
Looks like protecting the FBI to me.“Do you really have another case that you had to work?Or were you just looking to ditch the Feds?”
“I have a case.And you’re gonna need a tux.”
“I had the job scheduled before everything exploded on us.I told the client I would be there for her tonight, and I’m not going to let her down.”
Just when he thought she wouldn’t surprise him again.“Youagreedto another case tonight, even though you were hunting down Thomas Bass just days ago?”
“I knew I would be back.I gave my word to Isabelle.”A quick glance his way.“My word matters.I told Isabelle I would be there for her tonight, so I will be.The Feds will check for evidence.Ballard has someone digging through all available intel to see if there are any hits that point to vics who fit the killer’s signature—”
“You mean he’s using FBI resources to check and see if any MEs or cops reported string tied around the fingers of dead bodies.”
A nod.“Dead bodies who belonged to vics who might fit the killer’s profile.”
There it was again.“I fucking hate that word.”
“The FBI has resources I need.They can discover more than I can on my own.”
Yeah, but what she wasn’t getting… “You aren’t on your own, Ophelia.”Not any longer.“You have me.”
She braked.A little harder than necessary at the red light.Her head swiveled toward him, and he so wished that he could read all of the emotions suddenly flashing in her eyes.
“That’s what a partner is for, right?”Lane continued carefully.“To make sure that you have backup.You have me.Count on me.Not some prick Fed.Me.I will make sure you aren’t alone ever again.”
She licked her lower lip.“I’m…I’m supposed to just work with you for a month.”
Fuck that.Nope.Not the time to say those words.“What’s the job tonight?”
“Isabelle Delgado has a dangerous ex.She’s got an engagement party tonight, and she’s terrified the ex will show up and either hurt her or her groom.”The words tumbled out quickly, as if Ophelia was nervous.
She hadn’t been nervous with the Feds.She seemed nervousnow.
Because of what he’d just said to her?