“I would like to help, I really would.I swear.But the cameras weren’t on last night.Or during the day yesterday.Or…” His hand raked over his face.“For the last week.”Sheepish.“I meant to get them fixed, I promise, it was on the agenda, but I just didn’t have time.”Worry filled his eyes.“Why do you need the footage?What happened?”
“Oh, just a little matter of a breaking and entering.”
“Shit,” Beau said.
Yeah, shit indeed.Only it wasn’t just alittlematter of breaking and entering.Was that even a little thing?It was the matter of a killer targeting Ophelia.
But she was standing there and shrugging one shoulder.
Lane’s hands fisted.
Beau leaned toward Ophelia.“The partner looks a little tightly wound.”His voice was an exaggerated whisper.“Guess he didn’t take kindly to the B&E?”
Lane cleared his throat.“Let me be clear.”He didn’t like the way the other man looked at Ophelia.Didn’t like the familiarity in his tone or stare.Didn’t like that the jerk had complimented Ophelia’s lipstick.Didn’t like the fact that the dick didn’t have the camera footage they needed.Aw, hell, he just didn’t likeBeau.“I don’t take kindly to anyone doinganythingthat will inconvenience, hurt, or even annoy Ophelia.If people piss her off or upset her in any way, consider me not taking thatkindly.”
“Settle down, slugger,” Beau advised mockingly.
Lane surged toward him.
Ophelia put her hand on his chest.“Easy.”
Fuck easy.
Beau smirked at him.Smirked.
“Beau doesn’t get what is going on,” Ophelia said quietly.“And I am okay.”
Lane’s gaze flew to her.
He found her staring straight at him.
“No one is hurting me.I am safe.”
You’re not.The killer broke into your office.He followed you to Savannah.
“I am safe,” she repeated.“Because you have my back, don’t you?”
“Yes,” he gritted out.One hundred percent, he had her back.
“So we aren’t going to attack Beau just because he’s being a bit of a prick, are we?Though I certainly understand the temptation.But his prick exterior is just a mask.You know all about wearing masks.”She gave him a quick pat.
A pat?Seriously?
Then she looked back at an avidly watching Beau.“You don’t want him as an enemy,” she assured Beau.
“He looks kinda familiar.”Beau scratched his chin.“Am I supposed to be scared of the new partner?”
Lane sent him a cold smile.Yes, be scared.
Beau reached out and wrapped his hand around Ophelia’s wrist.
Lane lost his smile.
“Ophelia, I want to help.”Beau’s tone was more serious.“You want me to talk to my people and see if anyone saw somebody nosing around your place?”
“Yes.I definitely want that.And see if any customers mention anything, either.I know you get repeats every night.”
His fingers began to stroke her wrist.