She’d gotten turned on when she tasted him.Ophelia arched into his touch, but that touch was not enough.She wanted all of him.Driving deep and hard.
What if it’s not as good the second time?
“It will be even better.”
Her eyes widened.Had she voiced that question?She hadn’t meant to say a word.Certainly not speak her worry out loud.
He turned off the lamp.For a moment, she almost protested but then realized…
There was something sensual about the dark.About not seeing him but justfeelinghim.The mattress dipped as he climbed onto the bed.Slid between her legs.His arms were braced on either side of her, and her own hands rose to hold his powerful shoulders.His cock lodged between her legs, pressing at the entrance to her body.
He kissed her.Drove his tongue into her mouth even as his dick sank into her body.He filled her completely.Her hips arched against him.Her legs locked around his hips.
Then he withdrew.
His mouth left hers to kiss a fiery path down her neck.
His hips bucked against her.In and out.He thrust hard.The bed rammed into the wall.Thunder rumbled.
She caught another streak of lightning.Without the lamp’s glow, that streak was the only illumination as it seemed to light up the whole room for the briefest of moments.
“You feel fucking fantastic,” he rasped.
She could say the same about him.
His hands went to her nipples.Tight, aching peaks that he plucked and teased, and his touch had spikes of arousal and pleasure shooting through her body.She gasped and moaned, and her nails sank into him as her own control shredded.
How could anything feel this good?
They were driving toward release.Bodies pounding.Hearts racing.Nothing else mattered.
He rolled with her.A sharp cry of surprise broke from her.His hands bit into her waist.He was beneath her.She rose above him.Her knees pushed into the mattress on either side of him.
A hard streak of lightning flashed and illuminated the whole room.
Rain erupted in a pounding plummet.
His hands lifted her up.Then pulled her right back down.Up and down.
She leaned forward.Lifted up.Felt his cock driving all the way inside as she came down.
His left hand moved to her clit.Stroked.Fast and hard.No easy caresses.Harder.Rougher.
Her head tipped back as the rain pounded and thunder rumbled, and a powerful orgasm ripped its way past all sane thought.It tore through her, and she didn’t hold back a scream of his name.The night was savage, and in that moment, so was she.She heldnothingback as the release sent her body shuddering and her inner muscles contracted greedily around him.
He tumbled her back on the bed.Caught her legs and lifted them over his shoulders.He sank into her—if possible—even deeper than before.Rapid-fire thrusts that she couldn’t match.She grabbed the covers and fisted them in her hands as she just held on.
Another flash of lightning revealed his face.
A need that was ferocious.A hunger that wouldn’t end.
Then darkness.
The pounding of his body rocked hers.Fierce, predatory growls broke from him.Gasps and moans whispered from her.