Page 104 of Locked In Ice

“I don’t like messy kills,” Benny confessed.“Discovered that with Gerald.I was experimenting.The knife didn’t work for me, but I rather enjoyed putting the pillow over Thomas’s face.”

Her eyes sagged closed.

“With the drugs I’ve used on the other victims, I didn’t feel them die.I felt Thomas.I…liked it.”

Because you’re a freak.Her eyes fluttered open.Her breath sawed out.

“Gerald was coming to kill you.And your client.Do you know that?I stopped him.I did your job for you.”

She hadn’t planned to kill Gerald.Her eyes fell closed once again.

“So messy.Don’t get me wrong, I slice the dead all the time here in my lab.But it’s different when the blood is still pumping.It sprays at you.Gets everywhere.No, I won’t be cutting on you.You’re just going to disappear,” Benny told her.“You’ll be a mystery that even your Ice Breaker friends won’t solve.Your case will get colder and colder, and eventually, no one will remember you.”

He reached down and began to haul up the zipper for the body bag.She knew—because there was no mistaking that sound.She couldn’t even get her foot to kick out at him.

“The drug will wear off soon, but you’ll be locked inside by then.You’ll pass out again in a while.Not like there is a ton of air in there.I’ll just wait.You’ll go into the dark, and that’s where you’ll stay.”

In there.No, no, no!

She managed a small shake of her head.

“Killers get punished, Ophelia.You killed Sam.”

And he’d just confessed to killing both Thomas and Gerald.Didn’t he get that?Or in his twisted mind, did he just see those murders as him carrying out justice?

“Because of what you did to Sam, now you get punished.”

Her breath heaved.She forced her eyes open—she could at least do that.

Light.His face.His cold smile.

And he zipped the body bag up so that he covered her face.Her head.Her whole body.


No, there was a thin stream of light.At the top of the bag.The zipper hadn’t closed all the way.There was a little gap that she could just see when her head tipped back the tiniest of inches.

Precious light.

The slab beneath her screeched as he shoved it forward.Her body lurched on that slab.


The door to the body storage cabinet closed.She knew that sound.The thud—that had been the handle sliding into place.

She felt her lips begin to quiver.




Chapter Twenty

“Where in the hell is Ophelia?”Lane demanded.

Benedict jumped and whirled around.He’d been staring at one of the body storage cabinets on the wall to the right when Lane burst into the exam lab.