Page 101 of Locked In Ice

She leaned down to better view the screen.“Absolutely.And if you need my services again, I’ll take your case free of charge.”She almost hugged Benny.Instead, Ophelia scanned the intel.She whistled when she realized just how much fentanyl had been in the man’s system.“You never had a chance, you bastard.”

Lane’s phone buzzed.

Her head swung toward him.

It buzzed again.Lane pulled it out.“Memphis.”A twist of his lips.“He texted on the drive up.The man is on his way.He wants to help us.”

Right.Not like she’d turn away any backup in the form of Memphis Camden.

“I’ll take it in the hall.”Putting his phone to his ear, Lane left the room.

Benny frowned after him, and as soon as the sound of Lane’s footsteps vanished, he hurried toward the door.He peeked out, then shut it quickly.“What are you doing?”he demanded as he whipped around to confront her.

She sat in his chair.Let her fingers fly over the keyboard.“Why isn’t the string mentioned?”

“What string?”

“The one that Shay O’Brien remembers seeing around Dodge’s finger.”

His steps rushed back to her.“You’re looking at a tox report.You won’t see any info on—”

“Iwaslooking at a tox screen.Now I’m looking at the full report you created before you released the body, and there is no notation of a string on his finger.”

“I don’t remember a string.”He seemed disgruntled.Offended.

She peered up at him.

“Why are you still working with that man?”

Why was he harping on Lane?But she’d answer him since Benny was playing semi-nicely with her.“Because Lane is a fabulous partner, and I’d trust him with my life.”She glanced back at the screen.“He’s not a killer.I don’t care what gossip you read.He’s a good man and—”

Something jabbed into her neck.Hard and fast, and at first, she had a dazed moment when Ophelia thought a freaking bee had just stung her.

Her hand flew up to slap at her neck.And her fingers closed around a syringe.“Benny…”

“He may be good, Ophelia.Butyouaren’t.”

She tried to shove back the chair and stand.She reached for her gun, and then remembered it was in the Jeep.Civilians weren’t allowed to bring guns into this building and she…

The chair rolled from beneath her, and Ophelia’s legs just gave way as she slumped to the floor.


Lane threw open the door and stepped outside.He’d intended to talk with Memphis in the hallway, but the reception had been shit, so he’d headed out back.“You hear me now?”

“Yes.”Memphis’s voice came through loud and clear.“Where the hell are you?Thought you’d be in the city by now.”

“We are.We’re at the ME’s office.”Ophelia had worked her magic again.Actually gotten Benedict to cooperate.“Ophelia is checking on another vic who fits the killer’s profile.”

“I heard there was an arrest in Savannah.”

Lane’s brows climbed in surprise.When he and Memphis had texted on the way to Atlanta, Lane hadn’t mentioned a single thing about Beau.“We think he’s innocent.”

“More ‘we’ talk, huh?”

“Yes.”Just that.Because they were a team.From here on out, he and Ophelia would be working together.“The plan is to get intel from the ME, wait until dark and then…” His voice trailed off because a uniformed officer had just come out the back of the building.Not like he could just announce their B&E plans to a cop.

“Then what?”Memphis demanded.“You think this is the time to leave me in suspense?”