The happy couple kept dancing.
“About two months ago.And the location where the body was discovered?It was—hell, it was behind Pyro.”
Pyro.The name was certainly familiar to Ophelia.Royce had hunted at Pyro.She’d brought him down in the alley behind Pyro.
“Drug overdose,” Shay repeated.“Fentanyl.Do you know how many of those we see?I would have forgotten him.I know that’s shit to say, but it’s true.There are so many ODs…” A sigh.“He had this string wrapped around his finger, and I thought…poor sonofabitch.Whatever you wanted to remember so badly, you never will.”Another sigh.“You never will.”
“Are yousureit was an overdose?”
“Yeah, Benedict ran the labs.There was no sign of foul play.Just your standard OD in a back alley.That crap is like a broken record some days.”
“Didhehave a record?”
“The dead man in the alley.Did he have a record?”
“Well, yeah.”
“For what?”
“He was a drug dealer.Got busted three times near a school last year.Petty larceny.Vehicle theft.But drugs were his main game.Not real surprising that they were what took him out.”
“You wouldn’t be telling me this story if you still believed the man overdosed.”Everyone was smiling as they watched Isabelle and August.The security staff members were positioned exactly as they should be.
She didn’t see Lane.Was he still in the kitchen?
“Idothink he overdosed,” Shay protested.“Got the tox screens to prove it.”
“But you also think that maybe he had help with that OD?”
“I think he had a string on his finger.”Rushed.“I think that I felt like you needed to know.Miles Dodge.That was his name.And now I’ve got a hundred other cases to work.Just be on the lookout for Royce, would you?Keep your eyes open and your guard up.All of the breadcrumbs are saying he is coming your way.”
“Thanks for the warning.”She had a case to work, too.“And watch yourself, Detective.”Ophelia hung up and slid the phone back into her small clutch.
Breadcrumbs, my ass.Royce hadn’t left breadcrumbs.He’d left a giant neon sign pointing right at her.And maybe…That’s the problem.
The dance ended.The crowd cheered for the couple.Ophelia stepped toward them.
Her phone vibrated.
She looked down.A text had just come through from Lane.Gerald is here.
The happy couple was hurrying out—coming right toward the lobby.She knew they were supposed to take pictures and do more toasting, but it was time togo.
He’s out back.Catering truck.On my way to get him.Another text from Lane.
Lane wasn’t going to be on his way alone.Wait for me.Her immediate reply.There was a whole reason they were partners, dammit.
Lane fired a response.You protect Isabelle.I’ll get him.
How about they did both?She’d protect Isabelle and get backup for Lane.She grabbed the nearest security guard.“Go out back,” she ordered him.“Got a report that Gerald is here.My partner needs help.”
The guard’s brow furrowed.He did not spring into action.