Page 92 of Ice Cold Kiss

He sucked in a deep breath. Her scent lingered around him and maybe he drank it up like the thirsty bastard he was.

“I don’t want the pilot overhearing.” Her cheeks pinkened. “And I’m not too sure how we could work out the logistics in the plane seat, anyway. You’re pretty much too big for the seat as it is.”

It was Midas’s turn to clasp the handrests in a death grip.

Her dark gaze held him captive. “But when the plane lands and we are alone, I will most definitely touch you. I certainly hope that you will touch me, too. Everywhere. Because I feel that adrenaline rush again. My emotions feel out of control. My body is aching. And I just want you.” Her shoulders squared. “You need to finish what you started before, Midas.”

“Alina…” She could not be saying this to him. Pushing me closer to the edge.

“I want you to be my first. I told you that. You’re not going to scare me away by saying how big, bad, and dangerous you are.”

That wasn’t what he’d been doing. Was it?

“I want your mouth on me.”

His grip tightened even more on the handrests. He was about to shatter them.

“I want your hands on me. I want your fingers stroking my breasts, and I want them dipping into my body.”

Yeah, he’d rip the handrests apart in about five seconds.

“I want you naked. I want you thrusting into me until I can’t feel anything else but pleasure. Until you can’t feel anything else but the pleasure we give each other.”

His dick shoved hard against the front of his jeans. In her. I want in her.

One time fucking her wouldn’t be enough. He’d want her over and over again. She can’t handle what I need. It’s her first time. She can’t handle me.

“I want your dick in my mouth.”

He lunged out of his seat. Caught himself right before he pounced. He towered over her, and Alina tilted back her head to stare up at him.

His hands flew down and curled around the top of her seat. “Be…careful.” Guttural.

“Why? I’ve been careful my whole life. Know what it’s gotten me? A lonely bed. An aching body. Practice after practice session on the ice and so much loneliness.”

“So I’m a cure for your loneliness?” Was that all he was?

“No.” Her hair slid over her shoulder. “You’re pretty much everything I’ve ever wanted, and I didn’t know it until I met you.”

Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.

“I want you to touch me, Midas. I want you to fuck me. And when we land, be assured that I will be touching you. That is, unless you say that you just don’t want me.” Her gaze swept over his body. Dropped to the dick that saluted her. Alina’s tongue snaked over her lips. “I don’t think that’s the case.” Her stare rose. “Do you?”

“Baby, I love it when you talk dirty.” His head lowered over hers. “I’ll want you as long as I have breath in my body.”

“So that’s a yes?”

His mouth crashed onto hers. His tongue dipped past her lips so that he could take all the sweetness that he craved. It wasn’t just a yes. It was a hell yes.

Her hands pressed to his chest. Singed him through the clothes. He wanted to haul her out of the seat and introduce her to the mile high club right then and there. He could hold her against him and thrust all the way into her and she could come around him and they could both ignore the rest of the world.

Nothing else would matter.


The pilot made an announcement. The words didn’t even register at first because Midas was too lost in Alina.

Then the pilot spoke again, and Midas heard him say they were preparing for landing.