He was going to shoot her. Alina knew it. The man who should have been protecting Kiera was about to pull the trigger. He’d shoot her, then Kiera. Then…Midas? He was going to kill them all. “Why?” Alina asked.
“Because the dead don’t talk. Don’t worry, the cops will think it was Midas. That’s what I’ll tell them.” The gun swung between Alina and Kiera. And—
Came back to Kiera. Then Alina.
The gun swung back and forth like a twisted game of eeny-meeny-miny—
She opened her mouth to scream but the gun blasted. Even as it blasted, Midas had slammed her to the floor. But the bullet hadn’t come tearing toward her. Alina’s head turned.
Kiera had also hit the floor. Blood covered her chest. Her eyes were wide open. Shocked. Her lips parted. “Help…”
The front door flew open. “Ms. Kiera!” The other bodyguard—Ray—ran forward. He came to a dead stop as he gaped at the sight of a bleeding Kiera. “Ms. Kiera…?”
Midas leapt off Alina. He threw his body at Bowie. Alina scrambled up as she watched them. Bowie turned at the last moment, and he brought up his gun. She knew he intended to fire it at Midas. “No!” Alina screamed.
Midas caught the man’s hand—the hand that gripped the gun. Midas yanked Bowie closer.
Who’d been hit? “Midas!” she screamed.
Midas rammed his head into Bowie’s. A brutal headbutt that had the other man stumbling back. And when Bowie stumbled back, she saw the blood on his shirt.
He’d been hit. Not Midas. And Midas had just wrenched the gun out of Bowie’s hand. Her breath shuddered out.
“Shoot him!” Bowie roared as he clutched his bleeding stomach. “He hurt Kiera! Shoot him, Ray! Now!”
Ray had yanked a gun from the holster at his side. The webs on his hands twisted and quaked as he lifted the weapon and aimed it at Midas.
“No!” Alina yelled. She rushed at Ray. “It’s not him! Midas doesn’t even have a gun—you searched him yourself! It’s not him!” She plowed into Ray.
He shook her off, or tried to, but Alina hung on tenaciously. She could not let him hurt Midas. Midas hadn’t done anything to Kiera.
Ray brought the gun up and pointed it straight at Alina.
She stopped breathing.
“I don’t want to hurt you,” he mumbled. The weapon shook in his grasp. “So you get back, lady. Right now.”
A fist slammed into the side of Ray’s face. The blow had Ray staggering back as Alina leapt away.
“Damn straight you don’t want to hurt her,” Midas snarled. “Because then I’d hurt you extra bad.”
Ray tried to bring up his gun, but Midas delivered another punch, then a kick to the guy’s midsection. Ray stumbled. The next kick from Midas sent the gun flying from Ray’s hand.
“I am not the bad guy here,” Midas blasted. “Jesus! Stop trying to shoot at me!”
Her gaze whipped behind him. Bowie had slumped on the floor. Blood soaked the middle of his shirt. But as she watched, he heaved himself up and began to reach toward his ankle.
Midas had kept a knife stored in the sheath attached to his ankle. Bowie must have a backup weapon hidden near his ankle, too. “Midas!” Alina yelled her warning. There wasn’t time to get to Bowie. Midas was between her and the attacker.
Midas whipped around. But he didn’t turn toward Bowie. He’d turned toward Alina.
She saw Bowie straighten and bring up a gun. Point it at her. No, no, at Midas because Midas had just stepped to the side and now blocked her completely with his body. A shield between her and everyone else. And—
The window to the right of the couch shattered. “Freeze!” A woman’s yell as her body came hurtling into the den. Glass flew everywhere. Smashed into the floor. Ricocheted up and one piece sliced Alina across the back of her hand.
The woman landed in a crouch with her dark hair a curtain around her head.