Well, weren’t they quite the group? Not like Midas was pleased to hear about the DA. At one point, Terrance had been dead set on locking Midas away.
“I called from Warden Walker’s number because I knew you’d actually take the call. You’ve been dodging me and the DA for weeks.”
Yep, due to the fact that he had nothing to say to them. “I’ve been on assignment.” He looked down at a sleeping Alina. “I’m still on assignment.”
“It’s important.” Tension boiled in Xander’s voice. “Listen to me, please. I need you to—”
“Give me the damn phone,” someone burst out in the background. Then… “Midas, it’s Terrance.”
His jaw hardened. Midas flipped the lock on the bedroom door then grasped the doorknob.
“Henry is willing to tell us about the other victims, but only if you come and talk with him. He’s given us twenty-four hours. Did you hear me? Twenty-four hours.” Urgency vibrated in each word.
Midas felt his blood turn to ice. This news was the last thing he’d expected.
“He’s said there are at least seven more. Seven. And some of the vics that we suspected were linked to him? The ones that the families keep coming to me about, over and over? Henry is hinting that he’ll take us to those bodies. But you only have twenty-four hours to get your ass up here.”
“He’s playing games with you.” Angrily, Midas wrenched open the door. Then caught himself. Midas glanced over his shoulder.
Alina’s eyes had flown open. Fear filled her stare.
It’s okay, he mouthed.
She sat up and tugged the covers with her. One hand brushed back a tousled lock of her hair.
“This is no game.” Terrance was adamant. “He gave us one vic location already.”
Midas’s feet had become rooted to the spot.
“It was his show of good faith,” Terrance continued. “Look, I’m putting you on speaker. Xander wants to say—”
“I want to say that there will be no additional information provided from my client until he sees his son.” Xander’s voice filled Midas’s ear. “That was the arrangement. And the deadline is tomorrow at noon. The clock is ticking. So either Midas arrives at the penitentiary by noon tomorrow and sees his father, or Henry Monroe has vowed to completely stop cooperating with the authorities.”
Alina climbed from the bed. Her feet made no sound as she crept toward him. Worry was etched onto her face. What is happening? Her lips moved to shape those words though no sound emerged from her mouth.
“Get on a plane,” Terrance urged him. “We need you. The vics out there need you.”
Ah, the old guilt angle. Like he didn’t feel enough of that already. “I’m working on a case right now,” Midas returned. “I can’t just up and leave.” Not an option. Alina needed him.
“Have someone else cover your case!” Terrance exploded. “This is important! This is—”
“My charge is important,” Midas cut through Terrance’s words. “She was abducted once already, and I’m not leaving her side.”
“Fine, then bring her with you.” Terrance threw that out like it was the obvious choice.
Uh, bring Alina around Henry? Over my dead body. “Not happening.”
Terrance ignored those words. “I’ll fly you both into town. Put you up in a secure location. I need this. The families need this. Your father will only cooperate if you are here. This is our chance, don’t you see?”
What Midas saw was that his prick of a father was still playing games, even after all these years. And since Terrance had always been an ambitious man, the DA saw this as his chance to make headlines again. Just as he’d tried to make headlines when he first tossed Midas into a cell. “I’m working a case,” he said again. “Tell my father to screw himself.” He hung up.
Seven more victims. He’d always known there were more out there. Would his father really reveal their locations if Midas went to see him?
“What is happening right now?” Alina wrapped her arms around her stomach. “Because I hate to use the old cliché, but you look like you’ve just seen a ghost.”
“Not seen one. Just had the bastard call me.” Midas shook his head. “Forget about it. I didn’t mean to wake you.” He’d wrenched open the door too hard. His mistake. “I’ll go downstairs and get us some breakfast.” Though was it closer to lunch time? Yeah, it was.