Page 35 of Ice Cold Kiss

“But we’re going to have to trek through the snow to get back to my car.”

He still hadn’t said how he found her. Now wasn’t the time to ask. As he’d said, it was the time to haul ass. Midas turned away and rushed for the door.

She rushed after him.

And fell to the floor. Her legs just seemed to give way, and she hit, almost landing on top of the redhead. She shoved away from him. Her palms pressed against the floor as she levered herself up.

“When you fall…you always get up.”

Her head lifted at Midas’s low words. “I’ll get up. The, ah, the feeling just wasn’t back in my feet.” Was that even true? Her knees had given way on her in the closet. Fear had her shaking constantly now. But she could do this. She would do this. Two miles. They had to run two miles.

Her life depended on it. No, not just her life. Midas’s. He was risking himself for her.

She pushed up to her feet.

Only to have Midas scoop her into his arms. “Screw walking. I’ll carry you every step.”

Her arm curled around his neck. Her lips pressed to his throat in a tender kiss. “Thank you.” She wasn’t just talking about him carrying her. She was thanking him for saving her. For giving her hope.

For risking himself, for her.

She’d never met anyone like Midas in her life. She never would meet anyone else like him. This man—a man she’d known for less than twenty-four hours—had risked everything for her.

He took her out of the cabin. Yanked the door closed behind them and leapt down the steps. A light dusting of snow began to fall, and the goose bumps on her body got even bigger.

“No clothes,” he muttered. “Sorry, baby.” He pulled her even closer against the heat of his body.

She did have on some clothes. They just offered practically zero protection. And she didn’t have on shoes, so, yes, him carrying her—as long as she wasn’t too heavy—was a great plan for her. And it wasn’t his fault that she didn’t have more clothing.

He took her to the tree line. Her gaze darted away from the black SUV. Her teeth locked as she remembered the terrible car ride. The absolute fear. Every moment, she’d been afraid of death. Been so sure they were just taking her away to hurt her. To kill her.

So sure she’d never see her home again.

Until Midas had opened that closet door.

Her hero. He’d said once that he was no guardian angel. He was so wrong.

He was her personal angel.

Snow crunched beneath his feet. How could he see where they were going? The farther they went from the cabin, the darker the woods grew. “Midas…” Alina whispered.

“Excellent night vision, sweetheart. Don’t worry. And I came this way before. I know the path.”

Okay, great. But how could she not worry given the situation?

Her teeth chattered. The snow fell a bit harder.

“Fuck this.” He put her down. Her toes dipped into the snow, and she hissed out a breath.

He shouldered out of his coat. Put it on her shoulders. Shoved her arms into the sleeves. The coat practically swallowed her. It dipped way past her thighs. He zipped it up. Scooped her right back into his arms.

“Midas…” Her arm curled around his neck again. “You need to be warm.”

“I’m fine.” He maneuvered unerringly through the dark. “I told you, don’t worry. I’m—”

The growl of an engine cut through his words. They were in the trees, but the drive to the cabin was close by. Headlights cut through the dark.

Midas immediately ducked behind a nearby tree. The growling engine came closer and closer.