Page 24 of Ice Cold Kiss

Someone was clearly hunting in Colorado.

He had no intention of just driving away. He wanted to keep an eye on Alina.

I should be in the house with her.


Her eyes flew open, and her heart raced in Alina’s chest as a sudden and startling realization filled her head. Someone is in the house with me.

She’d been sleeping one moment, dreaming about Midas and what could have been, but then the faintest sound had ripped her to consciousness. That sound had been—

The creak of her bedroom door opening.

A door that should have stayed closed.

Someone is in the house with me. In that terrifying instant, she didn’t know if she should pretend to be asleep, if maybe this was just a thief who’d steal something and leave and not harm her if she just did not move. Or if—or if—

“Get her,” she heard someone snarl.

She screamed as loud and as hard as she could. Alina leapt from the bed and her hands flew out toward her nightstand. Total darkness filled the room, but her hands found the lamp. She intended to throw it at her attackers, but hard arms grabbed her. Yanked her back.

Her fingers slid up the base of the lamp.

It turned on. A flood of illumination filled the room.

“Turn that shit off!”

She heaved the lamp at her attackers. One swore when it hit him, but it must have bounced off because she heard a thud as it hit the floor.

And the light vanished.

She hadn’t seen their faces in that instant, but she knew there were two people in the room with her. Both covered in black. Hands grabbed at her and tossed her back onto the bed, and she tried to scream again.

A hand slapped over her mouth. “Can we shut this bitch up already?”

No, no, no. Her body heaved.

“She’s like five-foot-nothing. Can’t you handle her?” A mocking rumble.

She kicked out. Caught someone hard and heard a grunt.

“Knock the bitch out.” A snarl.

She twisted and clawed and—

“She fucking bit me!”

Yes, she had, and she was free, for a second. With all of her strength, she heaved to the left. A hand grabbed for her, and she heard her shirt tear, but she got away and fell to the floor. The impact had pain shooting through her left knee, but she didn’t slow. She leapt up, ignored the pain, and hurtled toward the direction of her bedroom door.

“Get her!”

Laughter. “She’s gonna be unconscious in like five seconds. I will make her so sorry—”

“We’re not supposed to hurt her. Well, not much. Get her. She can’t reach the front door!”

Her bare feet slipped, but she didn’t fall as she raced through the hallway and toward the front of her house. Her eyes had adjusted to the darkness. She could see the looming front door. Her hands flew out for it.

“That asshole is out front! He’s watching the house. If she gets to him—”