Page 130 of Ice Cold Kiss

But he couldn’t breathe yet. The judges had to show their scores. But they would be absolute idiots if they didn’t give her—

His eyes widened as he saw the scores, and Midas let out a guttural roar of excitement. Alina was suddenly in front of him, and he hugged her as tightly as he could. She was laughing and crying, and Dmitri was crying, too, as he hugged Alina and Midas.

She’d done it. The gold.

His Alina had just won fucking gold.

And she stared at him as the cameras rolled. She didn’t see a monster. She saw—

“I love you,” Alina whispered.

The crowd cheered even harder when he kissed her.

Epilogue – Part Two – Henry

“I want a better view,” Henry Monroe announced. “Bigger window. One that lets in the morning sunlight.”

Oliver Foxx raised his brows. “Aren’t you the demanding one?”

“I will tell you where to find the bodies of more victims. You just have to agree to my terms.” Henry scanned the room with quizzical eyes. “Just you today? Where is the DA? And, of course, my son. Where is Midas?”

“Oh, I think your son is off celebrating. You know, what with Alina’s big win and the wedding and everything.” Oliver smiled. He planned to throw out some bait and see if he could hook Henry. “Gorgeous affair, by the way. Alina’s father has even come around to Midas. But then again, how can you hate a man when it’s clear he’d kill to protect your daughter?”

Henry stiffened. “Ryker Bellamy isn’t some white-knight guy—”

“Because Bradford Wells told you he was evil? Nah. Bradford was wrong about Bellamy. Turns out, the shady deals were done by Bellamy’s partner years ago. Not by the man himself.”

“And you believe those lies?” A snort. “Typical.”

“I believe Bellamy has cooperated fully with police. He confessed that he discovered what his partner was doing. And he proved that he already repaid the people injured long ago. He’s not a perfect man, not by a long shot, but he’s also not a homicidal maniac in prison for multiple murders.” Oliver pointed at Henry. “That would be you.”

Laughter. “We both know I’m not a maniac.”

“Then what are you?” Oliver asked as if he was only vaguely curious.

“A concerned father. What I’ve always been. I wanted my son to live to his full potential.” His smile grew. “And he has.”

“Because he was forced to kill Bradford?”

“Broken neck. A blade to the heart.” Henry sighed. “I am proud.”

His words would horrify Midas. So Oliver would make certain that his friend never heard about them. “There aren’t going to be any deals for you.”

That news wiped the smile off Henry’s face. “What?”

“You shared too much with Bradford over the years. He quite admired you, actually.” More like was obsessed with you. “Bradford kept detailed notes of everything you ever told him. We located those in a safe-deposit box fairly recently. You told him exactly where you traveled over the years. A mistake. You see, Midas was able to confirm the locations on Bradford’s list. The FBI is matching missing persons to those areas. Finding out who the victims were—”

“But you won’t find them.” Grim but pleased. “Not without my help.”

Time to go in for the kill. “We found Midas’s mother.”

Pain flashed. A crack in Henry’s mask.

“You revealed the keys we needed for that discovery. You said Midas was six months old. That he’d been left in a motel. We already knew that Midas spent the first six months of his life in Branson, Missouri.” Oliver flipped through some files he’d brought along. “Want to know how we discovered the truth about Branson?”

Henry didn’t speak.

“Midas’s mom took him for doctor visits during those early months. There was a file on him in a local pediatrician’s office…we found the file. The techs at the FBI can unearth just about anything. And, of course, since Midas teamed up with the Ice Breakers—have you heard of them? I’m part of their crew, too,” he said, shrugging. “We work on cold cases. Finding victims who’ve been forgotten. Giving justice to families. Kick ass things like that.” His jaw hardened. “We found his mother for Midas. She’s being laid to rest, properly.”